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Part 2: Blueprint

What Will You Do

In this part of the self-paced exercise, you will create two custom addons that contain the KubeVirt resources. The addons will then be added to a custom cluster blueprint and the blueprint will be applied to the cluster. The specific KubeVirt addons that will be deployed are:

  • The KubeVirt operator (this manages the KubeVirt resources)
  • The KubeVirt custom resource definitions (CRDs)
  • The KubeVirt components (pods, services and configurations)

Step 1: Create Addon Namespace

In this step, you will create a namespace for the KubeVirt resources. The "namespace.yaml" file in the "/getstarted/kubevirt/addon" directory of the forked repository contains the declarative specification for the namespace resource.

The following items may need to be updated/customized if you used alternate names.

  • value: kubevirt-cluster
kind: ManagedNamespace
  name: kubevirt
  description: namespace for kubevirt
  type: RafayWizard
    placementType: ClusterSpecific
    - key:
      value: kubevirt-cluster
  • Open a Terminal (macOS/Linux) or Command Prompt (Windows) and navigate to the folder where you forked the Git repository
  • Navigate to the folder "/getstarted/kubevirt/addon"
  • Type the command below
rctl create namespace -f namespace.yaml

If you did not encounter any errors, you can optionally verify if everything was created correctly on the controller.

  • In your project, select Infrastructure -> Namespaces
  • You should see a namespace called kubevirt

KubeVirt Namespace

Next, you will publish the namespace to the cluster.

  • Type the command below
rctl publish namespace kubevirt

Addon Namespace

Step 2: Create Addons

In this step, you will create two custom addons for Kubevirt. The "kubevirt-operator-addon.yaml" and "kubevirt-cr-addon.yaml" files contain the declarative specifications for the addons.

First, you will create the KubeVirt Operator addon using the "kubevirt-operator-addon.yaml" file.

The following items may need to be updated/customized if you used alternate names.

  • project: defaultproject
kind: AddonVersion
  name: v1
  project: defaultproject
  addon: kubevirt-operator-addon
  namespace: kubevirt
    type: yaml
    yamlFile: ./kubevirt-operator.yaml

Type the command below

rctl create addon version -f kubevirt-operator-addon.yaml

Next, you will create an addon for the KubeVirt CRDs using the "kubevirt-cr-addon.yaml" file.

The following items may need to be updated/customized if you used alternate names.

  • project: defaultproject
kind: AddonVersion
  name: v1
  project: defaultproject
  addon: kubevirt-cr-addon
  namespace: kubevirt
    type: yaml
    yamlFile: ./kubevirt-cr.yaml

Type the command below

rctl create addon version -f kubevirt-cr-addon.yaml

If you did not encounter any errors, you can optionally verify if everything was created correctly on the controller.

  • In your project, select Infrastructure -> Add-Ons
  • You should see an addon called kubevirt-operator-addon
  • You should see an addon called kubevirt-cr-addon

KubeVirt Addon

Step 3: Create Blueprint

In this step, you will create a custom cluster blueprint with the KubeVirt addons. The "blueprint.yaml" file contains the declarative specification for the blueprint.

  • Open a Terminal (macOS/Linux) or Command Prompt (Windows) and navigate to the folder where you forked the Git repository
  • Navigate to the folder "/getstarted/kubevirt/blueprint"

The following items may need to be updated/customized if you used alternate names.

  • project: defaultproject
kind: Blueprint
  name: kubevirt-blueprint
  project: defaultproject
    name: minimal
  - name: kubevirt-operator
    version: v1
  - dependsOn:
    - kubevirt-operator
    name: kubevirt-cr
    version: v1
    enableIngress: false
    enableLogging: true
    enableMonitoring: true
    enableVM: false
        discovery: {}
        enabled: true
        discovery: {}
        enabled: true
        enabled: false
        discovery: {}
        enabled: true
        enabled: false
      resources: {}
    enabled: true
    enabled: false
  version: v1
  • Type the command below
rctl apply -f blueprint.yaml

If you did not encounter any errors, you can optionally verify if everything was created correctly on the controller.

  • In your project, select Infrastructure -> Blueprint
  • You should see an blueprint called kubevirt-blueprint

KubeVirt Blueprint

Next, we will update the cluster to use the newly created blueprint.

  • Type the command below. Be sure to update the cluster name, kubevirt-cluster, in the command below with the name of your cluster
rctl update cluster kubevirt-cluster --blueprint kubevirt-blueprint --blueprint-version v1

In the web console, you can see the blueprint being applied to the cluster.

Apply Blueprint

Step 4: Verify KubeVirt

Now, let us verify the KubeVirt resources are operational on the cluster.

  • Click on the kubectl link on the cluster card and type the following command
kubectl get pods -n kubevirt

You should see something like the following showing the pods in a running state.

NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
virt-api-6c4dc58fdb-6rs6b          1/1     Running   0          3m29s
virt-controller-57884647f9-2rsqv   1/1     Running   0          3m4s
virt-controller-57884647f9-lpwr2   1/1     Running   0          3m4s
virt-handler-6mq2c                 1/1     Running   0          3m4s
virt-operator-5495c4bdbc-8j92p     1/1     Running   0          4m12s
virt-operator-5495c4bdbc-vbvhk     1/1     Running   0          4m12s


As of this step, you have created and applied a custom cluster blueprint with KubeVirt as an addon.

You are now ready to move on to the next step where you will deploy a virtual machine workload to the cluster.

Note that you can also reuse this cluster blueprint for as many clusters as you require in this project and also share the blueprint with other projects.