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Use Secret Sealer

The secret sealer feature can be used to secure the sensitive data of the resources in the following two ways:

  • System to Git Sync: To secure and sync the required resource variables from system to git, set the variable's type to Secure Text through the controller
  • Git to System Sync: To secure and sync the resource details from Git to System, use the Kubeseal utility

System to Git Sync

Below is an example to secure the Infrastructure Provisioner resource values and sync the data with Git

  • Create a Secret Sealer through the controller in the required project
  • To secure the Infrastructure provisioner resource values, select Secure Text for Input Variables, and Environmental Variables from Infrastructure Provisioner Terraform Configuration page
  • Click Save

Secret Value of Infra Provisioner

The system automatically applies the secret sealer certificate for this resource and encrypts these values. Similarly, follow the same procedure to secure the pipeline and repository resources

Git to System Sync


Below is an example to secure the resource values in a yaml file before initiating the Git to System sync process.

  • Have the Kubernetes secret file named secret.yaml. In this example, the value of the token, password must be encrypted
apiVersion: v1
  password: 3332hwX0x5SXZNZmp6VWRrZTdlajJ5TEhYaDFXNGIwdQ==
kind: Secret
  name: secret_name
  • Run the command

kubeseal --cert CERT--format yaml < secret.yaml > sealsecret.yaml where,

  • CERT: Certificate downloaded from the Secret Sealer
  • secret.yaml: Kubernetes secret file
  • sealsecret.yaml: The generated output file name with encrypted values

  • On successful command execution, users can view the generated output file sealsecret.yaml where the password is encrypted/sealed

kind: SealedSecret
creationTimestamp: null
name: secret_name
namespace: default
  password: AQCC0GxGS5d7SW8EDtz52pPjSI6gXvivyTSJ3m7p+3s+Ryn1P54V3avPPm2qXEuTpNPSkYSGpZ1+/11xvr36IpNhcic8liNz9aHeCWRUOzvTuEulAEljkO2uXq3BR+EZcdSJGrq41N209U1EyME/fp6u67+UZTpK+8znJJfXrmaOCuJVenmXKGfzCeia9fc2qcNx8gtd5PCGsOPuWhXd6RWuwhUW76ZTzHzK5gOZiojFpI2RZMQiSXyg0/1iGdQNnT7iByGWfbqpeFA5GkmTbwaKDwt5kgvLpEO2fuRUn5TrA8vkEcqe7N/I2yYMRxi6KZAgMGWTRWa0jn8rIBR0yzMj/qRP9WzySZ22Rbx1j5byZqEd1DRWgGWC8hg4lSkisTsBD9L04pvwB1BHe4pvlemxMXk37601znY=
  data: null
    creationTimestamp: null
    name: secret_name
    namespace: default
  • The sensitive resource values are encrypted. Users can now upload this sealed yaml file to Git and sync with the system