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In this part, you will

  • Create a K8s YAML workload that will create a Secret Provider.
  • Create a K8s YAML workload that will deploy sample application which will pull the secret created in AWS Secret Manager.
  • Verify the secrets are available to the pods.

Step 1: Create Secret Provider Class

To take advantage of the Secrets Store CSI driver a SecretProviderClass custom resource will need to be created. This provides driver configurations and parameter specific details to the CSI driver. We are utilizing ASCP so will need to define the objects and type. In the example below we will retrieve secrets from AWS Secrets Manager and sync the defined secrets to K8s cluster secrets. Secrets are defined under the secretObjects section. Objects defined in the objects section will be mounted as files.


The SecretProviderClass must be in the same namespace as the pods referencing it.

Create and Publish Workload

  • Create a file called "ExampleSecretProviderClass.yaml" from the spec below.
  • In this example, we are telling the CSI to pull username, password from MySecret in AWS Secret Manager and create a K8s secret with name complete-secret
  kind: SecretProviderClass
    name: nginx-deployment-aws-secrets
    provider: aws
    secretObjects:                        # [OPTIONAL] SecretObject defines the desired state of synced K8s secret objects
    - data:
      - key: username                     # data field to populate
        objectName: username
      - key: password                     # data field to populate
        objectName: password
      secretName: complete-secret         # name of the Kubernetes Secret object
      type: Opaque
      objects: |
          - objectName: "MySecret"
            objectType: "secretsmanager"
                  - path: "username"
                    objectAlias: "username"
                  - path: "password"
                    objectAlias: "password"
  • Click on Application -> Workloads.

  • Click on Create New Workload with the name "secret-provider-class".

  • Select "K8s YAML" for addon type.

  • Select "Upload files manually" for Artifact Sync.

  • Select the "nginx" namespace from the dropdown.

Create Workload

  • Select the file "ExampleSecretProviderClass.yaml" created above.

Create Workload

  • Select a cluster for the placement policy

Create Workload

  • Publish the workload

In a minute the workload should be deployed.

Create Workload

Step 2: Deploy Application

We are using nginx in this example to pull the secret from AWS Secret Manager.

In this step, we will configure and deploy a Nginx workload to the EKS Cluster. We will use a K8s YAML manifest which will incorporate the IRSA for Nginx from the prior step. The following manifest will create a service and deployment and is configure to use the SecretProviderClass and IRSA we created in previous steps so no changes are needed.

Create and Publish Workload

  • Download the K8S YAML manifest from the Git repo.

Below is an example of a sample application. Note the following:

  • Service Account name: It should match the name created with IRSA here
  • CSI Volume: secretProviderClass is the name of the Secret Provider Class created here
  • Volume Mount: Path inside the pod, secret should be mounted so that application can read
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
    app: nginx
  replicas: 2
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
      serviceAccountName: nginx-deployment-sa
      - name: secrets-store-inline
          readOnly: true
            secretProviderClass: "nginx-deployment-aws-secrets"
      - name: nginx-deployment
        image: nginx
        - containerPort: 80
        - name: secrets-store-inline
          mountPath: "/mnt/secrets-store"
          readOnly: true
  • Click on Application -> Workloads.

  • Click on Create New Workload with the name "nginx-aws-sm".

  • Select "K8s YAML" for addon type.

  • Select "Upload files manually" for Artifact Sync.

  • Select the "nginx" namespace from the dropdown.

Create Workload

  • Select the file downloaded in the previous step.

Create Workload

  • Select a cluster for the placement policy

Create Workload

  • Publish the workload

In a minute the workload should be deployed.

Create Workload

Step 3: Access the secrets

  • Navigate to the resources tab for the cluster.
  • Select "Workloads" as the Show Resources By and the workload as "nginx-aws-sm"
  • Select Pods

Nginx Workload

  • Click on the "Shell & Logs" icon under the Actions tab.

Nginx Workload 2

  • Click on the "Exec" button.
  • Run the following command in the shell.
# cat /mnt/secrets-store/MySecret

The secret we configured in AWS Secrets Manager will be displayed and can be used in your applications.

{"username":"rafay", "password":"Rafay$2021"}

Nginx Workload 3

  • For users that enabled and configured Secret Sync Click on the "KUBECTL" button for the cluster and run the following kubectl command. You should see a count of two for the secret.
kubectl get secrets -n nginx complete-secret

NAME              TYPE     DATA   AGE
complete-secret   Opaque   2      121m
  • You can also grab the key/value pairs defined in the secret.
kubectl get secrets -n secrets-manager complete-secret -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
  password: UmFmYXkkMjAyMQ==
  username: cmFmYXk=
kind: Secret


K8s secrets are stored as Base64 encoded strings. You can use the base64 program to decode the strings.

echo UmFmYXkkMjAyMQ== | base64 --decode

Congratulations! You can now pull and inject secrets from AWS Secrets Manager into your applications.
More information about Secret Store CSI driver and examples can be found here