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The typical workflow for Environment Manager is as outlined below:

Environment Manager

Step 1

  • Platform Team creates Resource Blueprints/Templates in a central project. A resource blueprint/template is a templatized resource IaC (e.g. RDS resource). The resource blueprint/template will point to the IaC artifact in the Git repository


Refer to the instructions here to create a repository object within Rafay

Step 2

  • Platform team then creates an Environment Blueprint/Template. Environment Blueprint/Template can include one or more Resource Blueprints/Templates and/or Static Resources

Step 3

  • Platform team shares environment blueprints/templates as appropriate with downstream projects (which developers or SREs) will have access to with Environment Template User role

Step 4

  • Developers/SREs provision full stack operating environments for applications as required


  • An Agent needs to be associated as part of the Resource Blueprint/Template, Environment Blueprint/Template and/or Environment configuration. Deploy the agent on machines/systems where execution needs to run

  • Use Static Resources if existing resource(s) need to be referenced in an environment blueprint/template

  • Use Context to define variables that are used across resource blueprint/templates and/or environment blueprints/templates