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EKS Add-on

Amazon EKS add-ons provide installation and management of a curated set of add-ons for Amazon EKS clusters, including the Rafay Management Operator. Amazon EKS add-ons allow administrators to reduce the amount of work required in order to install, configure, and update cluster capabilities.


Install Rafay Operator Add-on using AWS console

  • Select your desired cluster in the Amazon EKS console.
  • Select the Add-ons tab and click Get more add-ons
  • Search AWS Marketplace add-ons for Rafay Kubernetes Operations Platform.

AWS Console

  • For the version, select the latest version.
  • Download the Add-on configuration values file using the Rafay API. Refer to section Retrieving Add-on Configurations Value below for additional instruction.
  • On the EKS console, under optional configuration settings -> Configuration values, paste the downloaded values from the previous step.

AWS Console

  • Select Next and Select Create to create the Rafay Operator addon on the EKS cluster.

AWS Console

Installing Rafay Operator Add-on using AWS CLI

Run the following command to enable the Rafay Operator add-on for your Amazon EKS cluster

  • Download the Add-on configuration values file using the Rafay API. Refer to section Retrieving Add-on Configurations Value below for additional instruction.
  • Write the downloaded values into a file in your local terminal.
  • Install Rafay EKS addon using AWS CLI

      aws eks create-addon --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> --addon-name rafay-systems_rafay-operator --addon-version v1.0.6-eksbuild.1 --configuration-values file:///<PATH_TO_VALUES_FILE> --region <AWS_REGION>

Validating the Install

To monitor the installation status, run the following command:

kubectl get pods -n rafay-system --watch

It might take a few minutes for all pods to initialize, but eventually, all pods should indicate a Running status. If the pods are stuck in any other state, please follow the documentation to debug further.

Retrieving Add-on Configurations Values

The add-on configuration value can be retrieved via Rafay API. You can use the built-in Swagger UI or regular CURL command.

Using Swagger UI

Follow the instruction below to retrieve the configuration via Swagger UI:

Each cluster is grouped by the project in Rafay console. Locate the Project id by using the Project API:

Select the try-out button and select Execute.

AWS Console

Locate the project id from the response body in the Swagger UI.

AWS Console

To register the new cluster, configuration values is available from the Cluster API:

Select the try-out button and enter the required parameters, including the project id and the cluster name.

AWS Console

Select Execute and copy the entire response body.

AWS Console

Use this configuration value when setting up Rafay Add-on in the EKS console / API / CLI.

Using CURL

Use the following CURL command to retrieve the Addon configuration values. You need to provide the PROJECT_ID and CLUSTER_NAME as part of the requests. To learn more on how to use Rafay API, check the API documentation

curl -X 'GET' '<PROJECT_ID>/cluster/<CLUSTER_NAME>/download/valuesyaml?json=false' -H 'accept: application/x-rafay-yaml' -H 'X-RAFAY-API-KEYID: <RAFAY_API_KEY>'