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Use Istio

What Will You Do

In this exercise,

  • You will be deploying a sample application with istio proxy


  • You have already provisioned or imported a Kubernetes cluster using the controller.
  • You have successfully published a istio addon based cluster blueprint to your cluster.

For this example, we will use the bookinfo application.

Step 1: Download Bookinfo sample application

curl -o bookinfo.yaml
curl -s >> bookinfo.yaml

Step 2: Create a Namespace for demo app

  • Login into the Web Console and navigate to your Project as an Org Admin or Project Admin
  • Under Infrastructure (or Applications if accessed with Project Admin role), select "Namespaces" and create a new namespace called "demo"
  • Next in the Wizard, in the general section add the following label istio-injection: enabled and click save and go to placement.
  • Select the appropriate cluster(s) and publish the namespace.

Step 3: Create workload

  • Go to Applications > Workloads
  • Select "New Workload" to create a new workload called "bookinfo"
  • Ensure that you select "k8s YAML" for Package Type and select the namespace as "demo"
  • Click CONTINUE to next step
  • Select Choose File and upload bookinfo.yaml file
  • Save and Go to Placement
  • In the Placement step, select the cluster(s) that you would like to deploy bookinfo application
  • Publish the bookinfo workload to the selected cluster(s)

Step 4: Verify Deployment

You can optionally verify whether the correct resources have been created on the cluster.

  • First, we will verify the pod status
kubectl get po -n demo
NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
details-v1-6bfd8cbcdb-q2l5p       2/2     Running   0          6m1s
productpage-v1-774bdff86b-znsz4   2/2     Running   0          6m1s
ratings-v1-75fb8f8646-jpggg       2/2     Running   0          6m4s
reviews-v1-5d89df7d4b-nndfh       2/2     Running   0          6m4s
reviews-v2-f47f8b6d8-mvn98        2/2     Running   0          6m1s
reviews-v3-65b7f987b6-48jwv       2/2     Running   0          6m1s
  • Then, we will verify the gateway and virtualservice.
kubectl get gateway -n demo
NAME               AGE
bookinfo-gateway   108s
kubectl get virtualservice -n demo
NAME       GATEWAYS             HOSTS   AGE
bookinfo   [bookinfo-gateway]   [*]     112s

You can see that all the pods have a istio proxy attached. You can also check this from Rafay console -> cluster resources

Istio Proxy Sidecar


Congratulations! You successfully deployed an application with istio sidecar injection.