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This page will be periodically updated with features that are scheduled to roll into Rafay's Preview environment as part of upcoming releases. Learn more about Previews. Learn about our recent releases.

Navigate to our public roadmap for details on what we are working on for future releases.


Expected rollout dates: Feb 17, 2025 for Preview Orgs and Feb 26, 2025 for Production Orgs

Upstream Kubernetes for Bare Metal and VMs

The features in this section are for Rafay's Kubernetes Distribution (aka Rafay MKS).


Support has been added for the Flatcar operating System. This allows users to leverage Flatcar-based nodes for their Rafay MKS clusters.


Flatcar Based Cluster

Automated bzip2 Installation in Conjurer Run

Conjurer now includes a command to install bzip2 on nodes where required. If bzip2 is already present, installation is skipped, ensuring seamless execution without external dependencies.

Amazon EKS

Kubernetes v1.32

New EKS clusters can now be provisioned based on Kubernetes v1.32. Existing clusters managed by the controller can be upgraded "in-place" to Kubernetes v1.32.

Version 1.32

Upgrade Available Notification

Cluster Successfully Upgraded

Permission Update

In Dec 2024, AWS introduced new APIs to programmatically query, retrieve and select available Kubernetes and Platform versions before creating or upgrading clusters. AWS recommends that these APIs be used by users and we have added support for this.

With this release, ensure that your IAM role-based credentials include the required permission eks:DescribeClusterVersions. Internally this permission is used to dynamically retrieve supported EKS versions and the latest available EKS version instead of relying on static configurations. By leveraging this dynamic approach, the platform ensures compatibility with all upcoming EKS releases.

This is required for new clusters as well as existing clusters to ensure proper upgrade functionality.


Character Limit

This release includes an enhancement to increase the namespace name character limit from 45 to 63, aligning with Kubernetes standards.

Older Behavior

Previously, namespace names were limited to 45 characters and here’s an example of the error message that would have been returned when exceeding the 45-character limit

Namespace Name Length Error

Updated Behavior

With this release, the namespace name limit has been increased to 63 characters, aligning with Kubernetes standards and allowing more flexibility in naming.

Namespace Creation Success


Sync Enhancements for "No Op" scenarios

This improvement ensures that only modified components or policies since the last blueprint sync are applied to the cluster, preventing unnecessary reinstallation. As a result, blueprint sync times are optimized, enhancing overall usability. It is recommended to enable blueprint drift prevention alongside this enhancement.


'Force sync' option can be used to reapply all add-ons in the blueprint.


Project Resource Quota

The Project Resource Quota feature has been enhanced to support per-cluster overrides. Users can now define resource quotas for individual clusters within a project, rather than applying a single quota uniformly across all clusters as was previously required.

Resource Quota

Environment Manager

Skip Condition Support

Skip Condition Support for tasks and hooks is being introduced, allowing users to configure notifications and approvals to run only during deploy actions, avoiding execution during destroy operations.


This feature will initially be supported across CLI, System Sync, and API interfaces. UI and TF Support will be added in a later release.

Draft version support

Building on the previous release, which introduced draft version support in the UI, this enhancement extends support to non-UI interfaces, including CLI, System Sync, API, and TF provider interfaces.

Function driver

Previously, function driver configuration was supported only through non-UI interfaces. This release adds the ability to configure the function driver via the UI interface.

UX improvements

Project scoped URLs

Added support for project-scoped URLs, allowing users to navigate directly to a specific project. This is especially useful for collaboration/sharing links with team members.

System Templates

The following templates are being introduced/enhanced, these will be available in the System Catalog.

Cluster Lifecycle

# Template Name Description
1 system-aks Standardize Cluster Provisioning and Management with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
2 system-eks Standardize Cluster Provisioning and Management with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)


# Template Name Description
1 system-vcluster-anyk8s Enhancements to add OPA Gatekeeper and Kata isolation controls to the existing template


# Template Name Description
1 system-servicenow-approval Integrate a ServiceNow-based approval step before executing configured workflow
2 system-jira-approval Integrate a JIRA-based approval step before executing configured workflow


Additions to System Catalog

The System Catalog has been updated to add support for the following repositories.

Category Description
AI/ML Volcano

Bug Fixes

Bug ID Description
RC-39446 Added an affinity rule to prevent scheduling DaemonSets on EKS Fargate node.
RC-39642 Fixed an issue where RCTL could not be used to update Cluster Blueprints in upstream Kubernetes.
RC-39336 Resolved a mismatch in namespace name character limits between Rafay and Kubernetes*.
RC-39817 Enhanced Conjurer to automatically install missing Ubuntu packages on the node if they are not already present.