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This page will be periodically updated with features that are scheduled to roll into Rafay's Preview environment as part of upcoming releases. Learn more about Previews. Learn about our recent releases.

Navigate to our public roadmap for details on what we are working on for future releases.


Expected date for roll out to Preview Orgs on Aug 14, 2024.

Azure AKS

Cluster Auto-Upgrade

It will be possible to configure auto-upgrades for AKS clusters with the introduction of this capability. Users will be able to choose to set auto-upgrades for:

  • Cluster Kubernetes version
  • Node OS

Supported interfaces will initially include RCTL, Terraform, and GitOps with write back to Git.

Note: Support for UI will be delivered in a subsequent release.

Workload Identity

Azure AD Workload Identity simplifies managing access to Azure AD protected resources such as Azure Key Vault and Microsoft Graph. Support is being added to enable the Workload Identity capability both as a Day 0 and Day 2 operation.

Upstream Kubernetes for Bare Metal and VMs


Audit logs will be enhanced to include various node related events. Events relating to discovery, approval, rejection and deletion will be captured as part of this enhancement.


Cluster Overrides

It will be possible to share cluster overrides across projects with this enhancement. The sharing mechanism will be similar to other platform constructs (e.g. blueprints, add-ons). Only Org Admin will be able to share cluster overrides across projects. This enhancement applies to both add-on and workload overrides. Audits will be captured whenever overrides are shared (or unshared) across projects.

As part of this, the blueprint sync page is also being enhanced to show information on overrides applied to add-ons as part of the blueprint apply operation.

User Management

Access Report

It may be necessary to generate reports that detail access that users have access to on an ongoing basis to auditors. User Access Report makes it extremely simple to generate such reports either on-demand or on schedule. The reports can be downloaded in csv or json format.

User Access Report

Auditor role

A new 'Auditor Admin' role is also being introduced, this role will be able to generate Access Reports and view/download Audit Logs.

Environment Manager


Centralized dashboards allow ongoing visibility into environments across teams, accounts and clouds, enabling accurate tracking of cost, utilization and ownership. Dashboards help with easily answering questions such as:

  • How many environments are running across the organization? Are any of them in a failed state?
  • How long have the environments been running?
  • Who are the users who created the environments?
  • Are the environments being actively used?
  • What templates are the environments based on?
  • How has the number of environments been trending over a period of time?

Env Manager Dashboard


Support for tolerations is being added for Drivers so that the driver can be run in a specific pool of reserved nodes in a cluster.

Terraform Provider


Import support is being added for the following resources:

  • Add-ons
  • Cluster Overrides
  • Custom Role
  • ZTKA Policy
  • ZTKA Rule