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K8sGPT is a tool for scanning your kubernetes clusters, diagnosing and triaging issues in simple english. It has SRE experience codified into it’s analyzers and helps to pull out the most relevant information to enrich it with AI. The K8sGPT Operator is ideal for continuous monitoring of your cluster and can integrate with your existing monitoring such as Prometheus and Alertmanager.

The K8sGPT Operator is designed to enable K8sGPT within a Kubernetes cluster. It will allow you to create a custom resource that defines the behavior and scope of a managed K8sGPT workload. Analysis and outputs will also be configurable to enable integration into existing workflows.

K8sGPT Image

What Will You Do

In this exercise,

  • You will deploy the K8sGPT Operator on a managed Kubernetes cluster
  • You will deploy a workload which has configuration issues
  • You will use K8sGPT Operator to diagnose the workload issues


  • You have already provisioned or imported one Kubernetes cluster in a Project in your Org
  • You have access to OpenAI and have a valid API key for OpenAI