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Ambassador Edge Stack is an API gateway that serves as an ingress controller into your Kubernetes cluster. Ambassador Edge Stack offers a comprehensive set of security functionality, supports a broad range of protocols, and supports progressive releases with modern traffic management. To learn more about Ambassador Edge Stack, you can read more about it here.

What Will You Do

In this exercise, - You will create an "Ambassador Edge Stack" addon and use it in a custom cluster blueprint - You will then apply this cluster blueprint to a managed cluster


  • You have already provisioned or imported one or more Kubernetes clusters using the controller. You can learn more about getting started with clusters here.

Step 1: Add Repository To Integrations

  • Navigate to the "Integrations" section and select "Repositories." Select "+ New Repository" to create a new repository
  • Enter "ambassador-labs" in the "Name" section
  • Select "Helm" as your "Type"
  • Select "Create"
  • Enter "" in the "Endpoint" section

Step 2: Customize Helm Install (optional)

Go to the Helm Chart Readme for all available Helm values. Create a values.yaml to customize your helm release, such as setting pod annotations or changing port values.

Step 3: Create Namespaces

  • Navigate to the "Infrastructure" section and select "Namespaces." Click on the "+ New Namespace" button to create a new namespace.
  • Enter "ambassador" in the "Name" section
  • For "Type" Select "Wizard" from the dropdown
  • In the Pod Security Policy section, enter "rafay-privileged-psp"
  • In the Description section, enter "Default namespace for Ambassador Labs products"
  • Click the "SAVE" button
  • Click "Save & Go To Placement"
  • Set "Placement Policy" to "Specific Clusters"
  • Select your cluster you want the namespace in
  • Click the "Save And Go To Publish" button
  • Click the "Publish" button
  • Select the "New Namespace" button to create another new namespace
  • Enter "quote-test" in the "Name" section
  • For "Type" Select "Wizard" from the dropdown
  • In the Pod Security Policy section, enter "rafay-privileged-psp"
  • Click the "SAVE" button
  • Click "Save & Go To Placement"
  • Set "Placement Policy" to "Specific Clusters"
  • Select your cluster you want the namespace in
  • Click the "Save And Go To Publish" button
  • Click the "Publish" button

Step 4: Create Addon

  • Navigate to the "Infrastructure" section and select "Add-Ons." Click on the "+ New Add-On" button to create a new add-on.
  • Select "Bring your own"
  • Enter "ambassador" in the "Name" section
  • Select "Helm 3" for the "Type" section
  • For "Artifact Sync," select the "Pull files from repository" option
  • For "Repository Type," select the "Helm" option
  • For "Namespace" Select "ambassador" from the dropdown.
  • Select the "Create" button
  • You will notice there is a box underneath your newly created add-on letting you know there are "No Versions Found." Click on "New Version" to add a new version of the add-on.
  • Enter "edge-stack" in the "Version Name" section
  • For "Repository" Select "ambassador-labs" from the dropdown
  • Enter "ambassador" in the "Chart Name" section
  • Enter "6.9.1" in the "Chart Version" section
  • (Optional) You may upload the values.yaml file from Step 2 in the "Upload Files" section if you'd like to apply any changes.
  • Select the "Save Changes" button

Step 5: Create Blueprint

  • Navigate to the "Infrastructure" section and select "Blueprints." Click on the "+ New Blueprint" button to create a new blueprint.
  • Enter "ambassador-edge-stack" in the "Name" section
  • Enter "Blueprint for Ambassador Edge Stack install" in the "Description" section
  • Click "SAVE"
  • You will notice there is a box underneath your newly created blueprint letting you know there are "No Versions Found." Click on "New Version" to add a new version of the blueprint
  • Enter "v1.14.1" in the "Version Name" section
  • Select "rafay-privileged-psp" in the "Pod Security Policies" section
  • Select the "cluster-scoped" option in the "PSP Policy Type" section
  • Select "Add More" in the "Add-Ons" section
  • Enter "ambassador" in the "Name" section
  • Enter "edge-stack" in the "Version" section
  • (IMPORTANT) In the "Managed System Add-Ons" be sure to DESELECT "Ingress Controller." The rest of the options you can leave as selected.
  • Select the "Save Changes" button

Step 6: Apply Blueprint

  • Navigate to the "Infrastructure" section and select "Clusters"
  • Identify the cluster and Select the gear icon on the right side and select "Update Blueprint"
  • Select "ambassador-edge-stack" in the "Blueprint" section
  • Select "v1.14.1" in the "Version" section

Step 7: Verify Deployment (optional)

  • Remain in the "Cluster" subsection inside the "Infrastructure" section
  • Select the KUBECTL button to open a virtual terminal
  • Run kubectl get pod -n ambassador in your terminal
  • You should see something similar to the following as output:
    kubectl get pod -n ambassador
    NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    ambassador-agent-69979f6598-5qrk4   1/1     Running   0          3m34s
    ambassador-b6fd977c7-zk5lz          1/1     Running   0          3m34s
    ambassador-redis-59f894b97f-fm4zc   1/1     Running   0          3m34s

Step 8: Create Workload

  • To get your external IP address, run the following command:

kubectl -n ambassador get svc ambassador -o "go-template={{range .status.loadBalancer.ingress}}{{or .ip .hostname}}{{end}}"

  • Register a DNS name for this endpoint using your preferred registrar.

  • (Note) For AWS users, you may have a preconstructed hostname that was automatically generated instead of an IP address. Use a tool like dig (dig <hostname> +short) to get an IP address associated with that name.

I Don't Have A Domain Name (optional) is a dynamic, wildcard DNS server that translates a hostname with an embedded IP address into that IP address itself.

Use the IP address obtained previously and construct a hostname. For example, if you have an IP address of, you can use as your hostname.

  • Copy and save the following code in a file with the name quote-test.yaml
  • Replace "" under hostname with your hostname from step 8
  • Replace "" with your own email address
  • Replace "" under tlsSecret with your hostname from step 8
kind: Host
  name: quote-host
  hostname: # Replace with your hostname from step above.
    email: # Replace with your email
    name: # Replace with your hostname from step above. 
kind: Mapping
  name: quote-backend
  prefix: /backend/
  service: quote
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: quote
  - name: http
    port: 80
    targetPort: 8000
  - name: https
    port: 443
    targetPort: 8000
    app: quote
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: quote
  replicas: 1
      app: quote
    type: RollingUpdate
        app: quote
      - name: backend
        - name: http
          containerPort: 8000
        - name: PORT
          value: "8000"
            cpu: "0.1"
            memory: 100Mi
  • Navigate to the "Applications" section, and select "Workloads." Select the "+ New Workload" button to create a new workload
  • Enter "quote-test-service" in the "Name" section
  • Select the "k8's YAML" in the "Package Type" section
  • Enter "quote-test" in the "Namespace" section
  • Select "Continue"
  • In the "Upload Files section," select "Choose File"
  • Select your quote-test.yaml file created previously
  • Go to the "Placement" tab
  • Set "Drift Action" to "NotSet"
  • Set "Placement Policy" to "Specific Clusters"
  • Select your cluster you want the workload in
  • Select the "Publish" tab or select the "Save And Go To Publish" button
  • Select the "Publish" button

Step 9: Verify Workload

  • Navigate to the "Infrastructure" section and select "Clusters"
  • Click on the "Kubectl" button
  • Run the command kubectl get all -n quote-test and verify the workload is running correctly
    • You should see something similar to the following:
      NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      pod/quote-74bd568645-dv4mw   1/1     Running   0          34m
      NAME            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
      service/quote   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP,443/TCP   34m
      NAME                    READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
      deployment.apps/quote   1/1     1            1           34m
      NAME                               DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
      replicaset.apps/quote-74bd568645   1         1         1       34m

Step 10: Access Your Cluster From An External Source

Open a terminal session on your computer. Run the following command to see if you can access the quote service from your machine:

`curl -k https://{HOST_NAME_FROM_STEP_8}/backend/` #Replace the "{HOST_NAME_FROM_STEP_8}" with the host name received from step 8.

You should get an output similar to the following:

  "server": "gargantuan-raspberry-3x2rdgd8",
  "quote": "A late night does not make any sense.",


Congratulations! You have successfully created a custom cluster blueprint with the "Ambassador Edge Stack" addon and applied to a cluster. You can now use this blueprint on as many clusters as you require.