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Basic Template

What Will You Do

In this section, you will create a config context, resource template and an environment template using Git to System synchronization. The environment will execute a simple Infrastructure as Code file to print the values of preset environment variables.

Step 1: Create IaC

In this step, we will create IaC files within our Git repository. These files will be used by the resource template we will create in a subsequent step.

  • In your Git Repository, create a file named in the following path < RepoName >/terraform/
  • Populate the file with the following code
provider "local" {}

# Resource to print the variables
resource "null_resource" "access_key" {
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = <<EOF
#    Access Key: ${var.access_key}    #

resource "null_resource" "secret" {
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = <<EOF
#    Secret: ${var.secret}    #
  • Commit the changes to the repository

You will now create a second file to store the variable configuration.

  • Create a second file named in the following path < RepoName >/terraform/
  • Populate the file with the following code
# Define variables
variable "access_key" {
  description = "The access key for the environment"
  type        = string

variable "secret" {
  description = "The secret for the environment"
  type        = string
  sensitive   = true
  • Commit the changes to the repository

Step 2: Create Config Context

In this step, we will create a config context which stores two environment variables. One variable will be configured to contain sensitive data.

  • In your Git repository, navigate to < Repo Name >/projects/< Project Name >/configcontexts
  • Create a new file named em-cc.yaml in this directory
  • Copy the below code into the file
  • Update the following fields to match your environment
  • Project
  • Commit the file to the repository

kind: ConfigContext
  name: em-gs
  project: em-gs
  - key: TF_VAR_access_key
        type: notallowed
    value: accesskey123
  - key: TF_VAR_secret
      mask: true
        type: notallowed
      sensitive: true
    value: tempvalue
Config Context

Now, you will go back into the console and see that the Config Context resource has been created. You will then update the sensitive variable value from the console. This will then encrypt the sensitive value and store it in Git.

  • In your project, navigate to Environments -> Config Contexts
  • Edit the newly created config context
  • Navigate to Environment Variables
  • Edit the variable named TF_VAR_secret
  • Populate the Value field with any value
  • Click Save
  • Click Save again

Config Context

Step 3: Create Resource Template

In this step, we will create a resource template which will execute the previously created IaC files.

  • In your Git repository, navigate to < Repo Name >/projects/< Project Name >/resourcetemplates
  • Create a new file named em-rt.yaml in this directory
  • Copy the below code into the file
  • Update the following fields to match your environment
  • Project
  • Agent Name
  • Repository Name
  • Commit the file to the repository

kind: ResourceTemplate
  name: em-rt
  project: em-gs
  - name: em-gs
  - name: em-cc
  provider: opentofu
      backendType: system
    branch: main
    directoryPath: /terraform/
    name: gitops
  version: v1
  versionState: draft
Resource Template

  • In your project, navigate to Environments -> Resource Templates

You will see the newly created resource template.

Resource Template

Step 4: Create Environment Template

In this step, we will create a environment template which will execute the previously created resource template.

  • In your Git repository, navigate to < Repo Name >/projects/< Project Name >/environmenttemplates
  • Create a new file named em-et.yaml in this directory
  • Copy the below code into the file
  • Update the following fields to match your environment
  • Project
  • Agent Name
  • Commit the file to the repository

kind: EnvironmentTemplate
  name: em-et
  project: em-gs
  - name: em-gs
  - kind: resourcetemplate
    name: em-rt
      version: v1
    type: dynamic
  version: v1
  versionState: draft
Environment Template

  • In your project, navigate to Environments -> Environment Templates

You will see the newly created environment template.

Environment Template

Step 5: Create Environment

In this step, we will create a environment using the environment template. The environment will run the IaC. You will be able to see the logs of the environment run to see the variables set in the config context.

  • In your project, navigate to Environments -> Environments
  • Click Launch on the environment template card
  • Enter a name for the environment
  • Click Save & Deploy


After a minute, the environment run will have completed.

  • Click Show near Activities (Recent Runs)
  • Expand group.em-rt.output

You will see the output of the access_key variable as well as the suppressed output of the secret variable value.



In this part, you used Git to System sync to create resources in Environment manager and deploy a simple IaC environment.