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Two types of Kubernetes clusters are supported

1. Provisioned Clusters

These are Kubernetes clusters that are provisioned and managed on various types of infrastructure

  • Upstream Kubernetes On Bare Metal and VMs
  • Upstream Kubernetes On VMware, OpenStack
  • Managed Kubernetes Providers (EKS, AKS, GKE)

The Controller has the ability to manage full lifecycle management of provisioned clusters.

2. Imported Clusters

Kubernetes clusters that have already been provisioned can be imported into the Controller. Once imported, the controller will provide deep visibility and insight into all aspects of the Kubernetes cluster, deploy and manage workloads to the imported cluster.

With imported clusters, the lifecycle management (add/remove worker nodes, Kubernetes upgrades, decommission etc) is the responsibility of the customer.


Users can now "convert" imported Amazon EKS Clusters to "managed" by allowing the controller to takeover lifecycle management. For more information, refer Convert to Managed