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Part 2: Sync Blueprint

This is Part 2 of a multi-part, self-paced quick start exercise.

What Will You Do

In part 2, you will test bidrectional syncing of a blueprint. You will syncronize the custom blueprint from the system to your Git repository. You will then update the spec file in the Git repository and have it applied on the system.

Step 1: Initial Sync

First, we will manually run the pipeline in order to sync the system resources to the GitHub repository.

  • Navigate to GitOps -> Pipelines
  • Click on the previously created pipeline
  • Click "Run"

Initial Pipeline

  • Navigate to your GitHub Repository

We can see that the blueprint and workload manifest have been created in the Git repository

Initial Repo

Step 2: Update Blueprint From Git

In this step, we will update the blueprint version in the Git repository and then witness the updates applied automatically in the system.

  • Navigate to your Git repo -> "projects/defaultproject/blueprints/Blueprint Name.yaml"
  • Update the text for "version" from "v1" to "v2"
  • Commit the changes to your Git repository

The update will trigger the GitOps pipeline and it will automatically update the blueprint. We can see that the blueprint now has two versions associated with it.

Git Blueprint

Navigate to GitOps -> Pipelines in the console to see that a second job in the pipeline was initiated. This job was triggered via a GitHub webhook when we commited the YAML file udpate.

Pipeline Blueprint

Step 3: Update Blueprint From System

In this step, we will update the blueprint version from the system and then witness the update being applied automatically in the Git repository.

  • Navigate to Infrastructure -> Blueprints
  • Click on your custom blueprint
  • Click "New Version"
  • Enter "v3" for the version name
  • Click "Save Changes"

The update will trigger the GitOps pipeline and it will automatically update the blueprint spec file in the Git repository.

  • Navigate to GitOps -> Pipelines in the console to see that a third job in the pipeline was initiated.

UI Blueprint

  • Navigate to the Git repository and view the updated blueprint spec file showing the updated version

Pipeline Blueprint


In this part, you tested two-way, bidirectional syncronization between the system and your Git repository for blueprints.