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Developer Self-Service

What Will You Do

This is Part 2 of the self-paced quick start exercise. In this part, you will use the Developer persona to create environments through self-service using Environment Manager.

Step 1: Launch RDS Environment

In this step, you will use the console to launch the RDS environment as a self-service user. This can be done by either a platform team member or a self-service user. By launching the environment, an RDS database will be created in AWS using the VPC and security group previously created in our first environment.

  • Navigate to Environments -> Environments
  • Find the card named rds and click launch
  • Enter a name for the environment
  • Update any of the parameters if needed
  • Click Save & Deploy

Deploy Environment

After ~15 minutes, the environment will be deployed and the details of the environment resources will be displayed in the Results section of the screen.

Environment Results

Step 2: Verify Environment Resources

In this step, you will use the AWS console to verify the resources were created successfully.

  • In the AWS console, navigate to RDS -> DB Instances
  • Search for the instance name em-rds-<ENVIRONMENT NAME>
  • Click on the instance name

You will see the running instance in the VPC and Security Group that was previously created.

Deploy Environment


Congratulations! At this point, you have successfully provisioned an AWS environment consisting of a VPC, security group and an RDS database using Environment Manager.