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Part 4: Deprovision

What Will You Do

In this guide, you will deprovision the GKE cluster and all associated infrastructure in Google Cloud using the web console or the RCTL CLI.

Step 1: Deprovision Cluster

In this step, we will deprovision the GKE cluster through the web conole. The controller will cleanup all cluster components in your GCP account.

  • Go to Infrastructure -> Clusters.
  • Click on the settings icon of the cluster and select "Delete"
  • When prompted, select "Yes" to confirm the deletion of the cluster

Cluster Delete

  • Once the deletion is complete, the cluster will be removed from the web console

Cluster Delete

Step 1: Deprovision Cluster

In this step, we will deprovision the GKE cluster with the RCTL CLI. The controller will cleanup all cluster components in your GCP account.

  • Execute the following command to begin deprovisioning the cluster. Note, update the cluster-name in the below command with the name of your cluster.
./rctl delete cluster <cluster-name>
  • Once the deletion is complete, the cluster will be removed from the web console

Cluster Delete


Congratulations! At this point, you have successfully deprovisioned the GKE cluster and all associated infrastructure components in your Google Cloud account.