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In this self-paced exercise, you will learn how to create a MKS cluster integrated with Cilium CNI using Rafay Blueprints. You will also configure Hubble for enhanced network observability. By the end of this guide, you will have a fully functional MKS cluster with Cilium installed and Hubble UI enabled, allowing you to monitor cluster traffic using Cilium's observability features.

What Will You Do by Part

Part What will you do?
1 Setup - Create a Cluster Blueprint with Cilium Add-On and configure it to enable Hubble and Hubble UI
3 Create MKS Cluster - Use the Cilium-enabled Blueprint
4 Access Hubble UI - Access and explore Hubble UI


  • You have access to Rafay Console and permissions to create MKS Clusters and Blueprints.
  • You have machines with Ubuntu operating system for this demo, but you can use any supported operating system such as RHEL, Ubuntu 24.04, etc.

Key Concepts

  • Cilium CNI: A Kubernetes-native networking solution using eBPF for high-performance networking, security, and observability.
  • Hubble: A fully distributed networking and security observability platform built on top of Cilium.
  • Blueprints: In Rafay, Blueprints allow you to package and apply configuration (such as CNIs, monitoring tools, and policies) to clusters during provisioning.