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In this self-paced exercise, you will learn how to configure and deploy an Upstream Kubernetes cluster for bare metal and VMs (aka MKS cluster) with support for Windows.

What Will You Do by Part

Part What will you do?
1 Provision an MKS Cluster with a Linux based control plane and a Windows worker node
2 Deploy a Windows Workload
3 Deprovision the cluster

Architecture & Design

In this exercise, we will create an MKS cluster that contains two (2) nodes, one Linux node for the control plane and system resources and the other is a Windows node for workloads. A visual representation of this cluster design is shown below.

flowchart LR
  C[Rafay Platform]
  subgraph DATA[Cluster]
    direction LR
    subgraph NG1[Linux Control Plane]
        direction LR
        i1[Rafay Operator]
    subgraph NG2[Windows Node]
        direction LR
        f1[Windows Workloads]
  C --- i1


  • You have access to a Linux node which meets the minimum requirements
  • You have access to a Windows node which meets the minimum requirements