Kubernetes is designed to integrate with major cloud provider's load balancers to provide public IP addresses and direct traffic into a cluster. Kubernetes does not have a built-in network load-balancer implementation. A bare-metal cluster or really any cluster deployed outside a public cloud and lacking expensive professional hardware, needs another solution.
Some professional network equipment manufacturers also offer controllers to integrate their physical load-balancing products into Kubernetes installations in private data centers. However, this can be prohibitively expensive.
Load Balancer vs Ingress¶
While Kubernetes does support Ingress, it is limited to only HTTP or HTTPS traffic, while MetalLB can support any network traffic. In a nutshell, MetalLB provides resolution of an unassigned IP address to a particular cluster node and assigns that IP to a Service, while Ingress uses a specific IP address and internally routes HTTP or HTTPS traffic to a Service or Services based on routing rules.
About MetalLB¶
MetalLB is a network load balancer and can expose cluster services on a dedicated IP address on the network, allowing external clients to connect to Kubernetes services inside the Kubernetes cluster. It performs this via either Layer 2 (data link) using Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) or Layer 3 (transport) using Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).
Instead of using a NodePort to expose services (not ideal for a production implementation), MetalLB offers a network load-balancer implementation that integrates with the networking equipment you already have in place. This makes it an ideal solution for bare-metal and VM based clusters in non-public cloud environments.
MetalLB works via either ARP or BGP to resolve IP addresses to specific hosts. So, when a client attempts to connect to a specific IP, it will ask "which host has this IP?" and the response will point it to the correct host (i.e., the host's MAC address).
With ARP
The request is broadcast to the entire network, and a host that knows which MAC address has that IP address responds to the request. In this case, MetalLB's response will direct the client to the correct node. Once the traffic has arrived at a host, Kubernetes takes over directing the traffic to the correct pods.
With BGP
Each "peer" maintains a table of routing information directing clients to the host handling a particular IP for IPs and the hosts the peer knows about, and it advertises this information to its peers. When configured for BGP, MetalLB peers each of the nodes in the cluster with the network's router, allowing the router to direct clients to the correct host.
Consumer-grade routers do not generally support BGP. Even professional routers that do support BGP can be difficult to configure. ARP can be just as useful and requires no configuration on the network to work. It can also be considerably easier to implement. A simple config to establish a peering session to a BGP peer is given below. For services that utilize DNS and require a static IP you can create multiple address pools and disable auto assignment to insure IPs are never dynamically allocated for a static pool.
apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta2
kind: BGPPeer
name: sample
namespace: metallb-system
myASN: 64500
peerASN: 64501
apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: IPAddressPool
name: first-pool
namespace: metallb-system
apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: BGPAdvertisement
name: example
namespace: metallb-system
Prometheus metrics¶
MetalLB has added support for application specific metrics and alerting. You can enable the scraping of metrics in the custom values file. A sample config is shown below.
# scrape annotations specifies whether to add Prometheus metric
# auto-collection annotations to pods. See
# https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/blob/release-2.1/documentation/examples/prometheus-kubernetes.yml
# for a corresponding Prometheus configuration. Alternatively, you
# may want to use the Prometheus Operator
# (https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator) for more powerful
# monitoring configuration. If you use the Prometheus operator, this
# can be left at false.
scrapeAnnotations: false
# port both controller and speaker will listen on for metrics
metricsPort: 7472
# Prometheus Operator PodMonitors
# enable support for Prometheus Operator
enabled: true
# Job label for scrape target
jobLabel: "app.kubernetes.io/name"
# Scrape interval. If not set, the Prometheus default scrape interval is used.
# metric relabel configs to apply to samples before ingestion.
metricRelabelings: []
# - action: keep
# regex: 'kube_(daemonset|deployment|pod|namespace|node|statefulset).+'
# sourceLabels: [__name__]
# relabel configs to apply to samples before ingestion.
relabelings: []
# - sourceLabels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
# separator: ;
# regex: ^(.*)$
# target_label: nodename
# replacement: $1
# action: replace
# Prometheus Operator alertmanager alerts
# enable alertmanager alerts
enabled: true
# MetalLBStaleConfig
enabled: true
severity: warning
# MetalLBConfigNotLoaded
enabled: true
severity: warning
# MetalLBAddressPoolExhausted
enabled: true
severity: alert
enabled: true
- percent: 75
severity: warning
- percent: 85
severity: warning
- percent: 95
severity: alert
# MetalLBBGPSessionDown
enabled: true
severity: alert
extraAlerts: []
What Will You Do¶
This exercise assumes you have already provisioned or imported an MKS cluster. In this multi-part recipe, you will perform the following:
Part 1
- Create a custom Helm repository pointing to the public "metallb" repository
- Create a custom catalog containing the helm chart and versions from the public "metallb" repository
- Create a namespace to deploy metallb
- Create the metallb addon utilizing the catalog-app
Part 2
- Create additional addon configuring the custom resources needed to define the mode (ARP/BGP) and IP Address Pool
- Create a blueprint containing the newly created addons
- Apply the newly created cluster blueprint to your MKS Cluster
Part 3
- Deploy a sample application which will be fronted by a LoadBalancer resource and verify we can reach the application from outside the cluster
- You have free IP Addresses on your network you can use to assign to the LoadBalancer
- You have access to an Org with a role to create and deploy addons utilizing blueprints
- We will be using metallb in layer 2 mode