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This guide contains the steps needed for a user to consume one of the “deployment option reference design’s” for the Rafay “Standard Operating Model”.

This option:

  • Is based on Amazon EKS Kubernetes clusters
  • Uses declarative specifications for all resources that can be version controlled and used to replicate/reproduce infrastructure anytime
  • Uses AWS S3 for cluster backup and restore
  • Uses the “more secure” IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA) approach for allowing in-cluster resources to interact with AWS services.
  • Uses “GitHub Actions” for turnkey automation and workflows

What will this Deploy?


What Will You Do by Part

Part What will you do?
1 Setup and Configuration
2 Provision resources
3 Deprovision resources


  • You have access to a GitHub account
  • You have access to an Amazon AWS account with privileges to create an IAM Role with the default Full IAM Policy to allow provisioning of resources on your behalf as part of the EKS cluster lifecycle.