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Part 4: Deprovision

What Will You Do

In this guide, you will deprovision the MKS cluster from the controller using the web console or the RCTL CLI.

Step 1: Deprovision Cluster

In this step, we will deprovision the MKS cluster through the web conole. This action will remove the cluster from the controller.

  • Go to Infrastructure -> Clusters.
  • Click on the settings icon of the cluster and select "Delete"
  • When prompted, select "Yes" to confirm the deletion of the cluster

Cluster Delete

  • Once the deletion is complete, the cluster will be removed from the web console

Cluster Delete

Step 1: Deprovision Cluster

In this step, we will deprovision the MKS cluster through the RCTL CLI. This action will remove the cluster from the controller.

  • Execute the following command to begin deprovisioning the cluster. Note, update the cluster-name in the below command with the name of your cluster.
./rctl delete cluster <cluster-name>
  • Once the deletion is complete, the cluster will be removed from the web console

Cluster Delete


Congratulations! At this point, you have successfully deprovisioned the MKS cluster from the controller.