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Part 1: Setup Environment

This is Part 1 of a multi-part, self-paced quick start exercise.

What Will You Do

In part 1, you will setup the environment for use within this excercise. You will:

  • Setup RCTL (Optional)
  • Create a Namespace
  • Create a WordPress workload

Once this part is complete, you will setup the resources needed to perform backup/restore operations.

Step 1: Download RCTL (Optional)

The RCTL CLI allows you to programmatically interact with the controller enabling users to construct sophisticated automation workflows.

  • Login into your Org
  • Navigate to My Tools to download both the RCTL CLI and the CLI Config file
  • Initialize RCTL using the step-by-step instructions
  • Ensure you update your OS's Path environment variable for RCTL

Step 2: Create Namesapce

The test workload you will install will need a namespace. Create a namespace for the workload.

  • Ensure you are logged into the console
  • In your project, navigate to Infrastructure -> Namespaces
  • Click on New Namespace
  • Provide a name for the namespace
  • Select Wizard for Type
  • Click Save

Create Namespace

  • Click Save & Go To Placement
  • Select one of your clusters for placement
  • Click Save & Go To Publish
  • Click Publish

Namespace Created

  • Click Exit

Step 3: Create Workload

You will now create a Wordpress workload using the Catalog. The workload will be used to demonstrate the ability to recover/move the workload with the backup/restore capabilities.

  • In your project, navigate to Catalog
  • Locate Wordpress in the catalog and click on it
  • Click Create Workload
  • Provide a name for the Workload
  • Select the previously created Namespace for the workload
  • Click Continue

Create Workload

  • Save the following YAML to a file named "values.yaml"
  type: NodePort
    http: "31234"
    https: "31235"
  • Click Upload Files and select the previously saved YAML file
  • Click Save & Go To Placement

Workload Placement

  • Select the cluster where the namespace was previously applied
  • Click Save & Go To Publish

Workload Placement

  • Click Publish

This will deploy the workload on the cluster specified.

Workload Created

  • Click Exit

Step 4: Verify Workload

Now that the workload has been created, you can validate the workload is running.

  • Open a kubectl prompt
  • Enter the following command
kubectl get pod -n wordpress

You should see something like the following:

NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
wordpress-b99c6cbb5-9q66r   1/1     Running   0          3m11s
wordpress-mariadb-0         1/1     Running   0          3m11s

You can also validate the persistant volume claims are bound to the workload.

  • Enter the following command
kubectl get pvc -n wordpress

You should see something like the following:

NAMESPACE   NAME                       STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
wordpress   data-wordpress-mariadb-0   Bound    pvc-dbddd868-ffa5-41a6-a944-13c2ba41f902   8Gi        RWO            gp2            102s
wordpress   wordpress                  Bound    pvc-5a3a71c4-760e-4296-b2b1-33b37fc0943f   10Gi       RWO            gp2            103s


In this part, you successfully setup RCTL and deployed a Wordpress workload to a cluster using the catalog.