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In this part, you will

  • Access the Grafana dashboard to view the aggregated metrics.

Step 1: Create DNS Record

In this step you will create a DNS CNAME Record for our Ingress host.

Create DNS Recprd

For this exercise we are hosting a zone in our Route 53 and we will create a new record that points to our Ingress host.

  • Go to the hosted zone in your Route 53 or other DNS provider and create a CNAME record for your Ingress host that points to the Load Balancer FQDN we verifed in the previous step

Step 2: Access Grafana

  • Navigate to the Ingress host to access Grafana
  • Use "admin" for the username and the admin password you set in your custom kube-prometheus-stack-values.yaml file to view the Grafana dashboards

Grafana Login Page

  • Navigate to Dashboards and select any dashboard to view the data.

Grafana Dashboard Page

Congratulations! You can now use Grafana to view the metrics monitored by your Kube Prometheus Stack.