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Register with Araali to create an account to

  • Access the UI dashboard
  • Install araalictl and authorize it
  • Help with generation of Helm values.yaml

Araali UI Login

  1. Open a chrome browser and go to Araali Console

Araali Sign-In

  1. Click Sign Up to register
  2. You are in!!
  3. Now, in the left-hand panel, go to Administration and then Araali Tools. You will use this page to authorize Araalictl Araali Authorization Dashboard

Generating Helm values.yaml

Follow the steps below to generate a values.yaml file to use with Araali Helm chart for your cluster.


  1. Download Araalictl
  2. On Linux
    curl -O
  3. On Mac

    curl -O

  4. Make it executable

    chmod +x araali*
    ln -sf araali* araalictl

  5. Authorize araalictl

    sudo ./araalictl authorize <email-id>

  6. Now go to Araali UI >> Administration >> Araali Tools to approve the araalictl session. Araalictl Approval


  1. Check if araalictl is installed

    ./araalictl version -v

  2. Generate helm values::

    ./araalictl fortify-k8s -out=helm > /tmp/values.yaml

Araali Repository

Add Araali Helm repository to your project - Create Araali Helm Registry Create Araali Helm Repo

The repository will be used in the Araali addon below

Create Araali Addon

Add Araali addon - Create Araali AddOn

  1. Click on New AddOn Create Araali AddOn  

  2. Click on New Version Create Araali AddOn Version  

3. Upload the previously created values.yaml file

Chart Name: araali-fw Chart Version: 1.0.0
  4. Edit the values.yaml to get the runtime clustername. Edit values.yaml in

The addon will be used in the Araali Blueprint below

Create Blueprint

Add Araali blueprint - Create Araali Blueprint

  1. Click on New AddOn Create Araali Blueprint  

  2. Click on New Version Create Araali Blueprint Version  

  3. Use the addon created above in the add AddOn section

This blueprint will be applied to the cluster

Apply Blueprint

Add Araali Blueprint to Rafay - Create Araali Blueprint

  1. Click on the settings wheel icon and select Update Blueprint Add Araali Blueprint to cluster  

  2. Select the Blueprint and Version created in previous step Add Araali Blueprint Version to Cluster  

Once the changes are saved, the Araali add on is activated in the cluster. Check for the sync to finish and visit the Araali Dashboard for instant visibility into your cluster.

Araali Dashboard

Go back to the Araali UI and click dashboard. You can see an inventory of your assets covered as well as detailed audits of your communication.

Araali Dashboard

Uninstall Araali

Select the default blueprint and apply it to the cluster