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A set of comprehensive APIs are available that enable the users to seamlessly create, update, retrieve cluster details (list, and status) and delete V3 MKS Clusters. The API allows you to easily manage the cluster by providing the project id and resource name

Projects Intro

Create Cluster

To create a new cluster (or) update an existing cluster config in a specific project:

  • Provide the project name and the new/updated schema for the resource
  • Click execute

Below is an example of a cluster schema updating the blueprint to 'default'.

Projects Intro

Cluster List

To view the list of clusters in a specific project, provide the project name and click execute. Below is an example of the cluster list output:

Projects Intro

Get Cluster Installer Command

The Get Cluster InstallerCmds API endpoint returns a command that needs to be executed on MKS nodes. This command facilitates the discovery and integration of these nodes with Rafay's platform. This serves as a setup wizard to configure nodes for management and operations via Rafay's infrastructure. After obtaining this command from the API, it should be copied and executed on each customer node to enable communication with Rafay's services.

To get the installer command, - Provide the project name and cluster name - Click Execute

Projects Intro

Below is an example of the output that shows the command for arm64 with OSFamily linux.

Projects Intro

Scroll down to get the command for amd64 with OSFamily linux.

Projects Intro

Cluster Details

To retrieve a cluster details from a specific project:

  • Provide the project name and the cluster name
  • Click execute

Projects Intro

Below is the output of this execution:

  "apiVersion": "",
  "kind": "Cluster",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "demo-cluster",
    "project": "defaultproject",
    "modifiedAt": "2024-06-24T14:41:57.051572Z"
  "spec": {
    "type": "mks",
    "config": {
      "location": "sanjose-us",
      "autoApproveNodes": true,
      "kubernetesVersion": "v1.28.9",
      "network": {
        "cni": {
          "name": "Calico",
          "version": "3.26.1"
        "podSubnet": "",
        "serviceSubnet": ""
      "nodes": [
          "hostname": "ap-node1",
          "operatingSystem": "Ubuntu22.04",
          "arch": "amd64",
          "privateIP": "",
          "roles": [
          "labels": {
            "app": "infra"
          "ssh": {
            "privateKeyPath": "/Users/user1/Desktop/ocikeys/mks2.pem",
            "username": "ubuntu",
            "port": "22",
            "ipAddress": ""
    "blueprint": {
      "name": "default"

Cluster Status

To view the status of a cluster from a specific project:

  • Provide the project name and the cluster name
  • Click execute

Projects Intro

The output contains the cluster configuration along with the statuses of the provision, cluster conditions, task sets, and node status.

"status": {
    "id": "pd270k4",
    "name": "demo-mkscluster",
    "displayName": "demo-mkscluster",
    "createdAt": "2024-06-24T08:23:38Z",
    "conditions": [
        "type": "ClusterRegisterSucceeded",
        "status": "True",
        "reason": "registered"
        "type": "ClusterCheckInSucceeded",
        "status": "True",
        "reason": "checked in"
        "type": "ClusterNodeSyncSucceeded",
        "status": "True",
        "reason": "all nodes synced"
        "type": "ClusterNamespaceSyncSucceeded",
        "status": "True",
        "reason": "all namespaces synced"
        "type": "ClusterBlueprintSyncSucceeded",
        "status": "True",
        "reason": "all tasks/workloads synced"
        "type": "ClusterReady",
        "status": "True",
        "reason": "blueprint synced"
    "extra": {
      "vaultIntegration": {}
    "blueprint": {
      "name": "default"
    "provisionStatus": "CLUSTER_PROVISION_COMPLETE",
    "commonStatus": {
      "conditionType": "ClusterOperationApplied",
      "conditionStatus": 2,
      "lastUpdated": {
        "seconds": 1719240117,
        "nanos": 51572000
      "reason": "clusterOperation is applied"
    "lastTasksets": [
        "tasksetId": "lk5xw2e",
        "tasksetOperations": [
            "operationName": "ClusterUpgrade",
            "resourceName": "demo-mkscluster",
            "operationStatus": "PROVISION_TASK_STATUS_SUCCESS"
        "comments": "Configuration is applied to the cluster successfully"
        "tasksetId": "yemp028",
        "tasksetOperations": [
            "operationName": "ClusterCreation",
            "resourceName": "demo-mkscluster",
            "operationStatus": "PROVISION_TASK_STATUS_SUCCESS"
            "operationName": "BlueprintSync",
            "resourceName": "demo-mkscluster",
            "operationStatus": "PROVISION_TASK_STATUS_PENDING"
        "comments": "Configuration is applied to the cluster successfully"
    "mks": {
      "nodes": [
          "hostname": "ap-node1",
          "status": "READY"

Cluster Delete

To delete a cluster from a specific project:

  • Provide the project name and name of the resource
  • Click execute

Projects Intro