Provision Servers
Follow these steps to provision bare metal servers in Equinix Metal.
Step 1: Login into Equinix Metal¶
Login into your Equinix Metal account.
Step 2: Select Location and Type¶
- Select Location where you need the Server
- Select server type from the list
Step 3: Select OS¶
Select the Operating System for the master and worker nodes in your Kubernetes cluster
- Select Ubuntu or CentOS
- Select supported version of OS
Step 4: Select Number of Servers¶
- Select the number of servers for the master and worker nodes in your Kubernetes cluster
- Provide the hostnames for the servers
It will take ~5 minutes for the servers to be ready and usable. You can view and monitor status on the "server" listing page
Step 5: Access Server¶
Administrators can access the newly provisioned servers using SSH by requesting temporary SSH keys.