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This section explains the frequently occurred errors during cluster import

Scenario 1: Error during cluster import

The error below is an example that might occur during cluster import due to intermittent network issues or delays, momentary downtime of the cluster, or the controller's connectivity to the cluster being busy or down.

Failed Import Cluster


  • Ensure the cluster is healthy
  • Validate that kubectl is operational to ensure connectivity to the cluster is functioning

Scenario 2: Invalid Cloud Credential

The error below is an example that might occur during the conversion of the imported AKS cluster if the credentials are invalid.

Failed Import Cluster


Ensure to validate the cloud credentials as demonstrated below

Failed Import Cluster

Scenario 3: Cluster in Stopped State

This error below occurs during the conversion of the imported AKS cluster to managed when the cluster is in a stopped state and the node count is scaled to 0, as confirmed from the Azure console.

Failed Import Cluster


Start the cluster from Azure