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GPU Metrics - Memory Utilization

In the introductory blog on GPU metrics, we discussed about the GPU metrics that matter and why they matter. In this blog, we will dive deeper into one of the critical GPU metrics i.e. GPU Memory Utilization.

GPU memory utilization refers to the percentage of the GPU’s dedicated memory (i.e. framebuffer) that is currently in use. It measures how much of the available GPU memory is occupied by data such as models, textures, tensors, or intermediate results during computation.

GPU Memory Utilization


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What GPU Memory Utilization Represents

GPU Memory Utilization is an indicator of the amount of memory consumed by your application on the GPU. This can be space on the GPU occupied by data such as:

  • Input data (e.g., training data for deep learning)
  • Model weights and parameters
  • Intermediate computation results (for tasks like deep learning or rendering)
  • Data stored in the GPU’s VRAM (Video RAM) for ongoing tasks

Why is it Important?

High Memory Utilization indicates the GPU is processing large datasets or complex models. If it approaches 100%, it could lead to out-of-memory (OOM) errors or cause the system to offload data to slower CPU memory, which will degrade performance.

Low Memory Utilization indicates under-utilization of the GPU’s resources. This could imply that the task is not large enough to fully leverage the GPU’s capacity.

Both Infrastructure administrators and Data Scientists may need to diagnose the reason for OOM errors. If they are running large models or datasets, monitoring memory utilization helps them understand if the GPU is running out of memory.

Data Scientists and GenAI developers need access to this data to help optimize Model Size. If memory utilization is too high, they may need to use model optimization techniques such as quantization, pruning, or reducing the batch size.

Real Life Scenarios

Here are three real-life scenarios where monitoring GPU Memory Utilization is critical. These scenarios illustrate how GPU memory utilization directly affects performance, stability, and system design in different fields like AI, HPC, and autonomous systems.

Deep Learning Model Training in a Research Lab

Consider a research lab that is training a large neural network model on multiple GPUs. During training, the memory utilization of each GPU needs to be monitored.

  • Large models, such as transformers or convolutional networks, often require substantial memory for weights, activations, and gradients. If the GPU memory utilization reaches maximum capacity, it can cause the training to crash or slow down due to swapping. By tracking GPU memory usage, researchers can optimize the batch size, model architecture, or switch to more efficient memory management techniques (e.g., gradient checkpointing).

High-Performance Computing (HPC) in Scientific Simulations

Consider a climate research center that is using HPC clusters to run complex simulations that rely heavily on GPUs for parallel computations. These simulations often require large datasets and models.

  • In this setting, memory utilization tracking is essential to prevent system failure or slowdowns. If GPU memory is exhausted, the computations may stop, leading to incomplete simulations and wasted resources. Monitoring helps the team identify bottlenecks, optimize resource allocation, and ensure smooth operation across the cluster.

Real-Time Video Processing in Autonomous Vehicles

An autonomous vehicle company uses GPUs to process live camera feeds and perform object detection, path planning, and decision-making in real-time.

  • Real-time processing requires maintaining high memory utilization efficiency without overloading the GPU. If the memory usage exceeds the available limits, there could be delays in critical tasks like object detection or lane tracking, jeopardizing vehicle safety. Monitoring GPU memory utilization ensures the vehicle's systems can handle dynamic environments efficiently and avoid memory-related performance drops.

How Rafay Helps with GPU Memory Utilization Metrics

As we learnt in the prior blog, Rafay automatically scapes GPU metrics and aggregates them centrally in a time series database at the Controller. This data is then made available to authorized users via intuitive charts and dashboards. Shown below is an illustrative image of GPU Memory Utilization of a GPU.

GPU Memory Utilization in Rafay

Here is a video that showcases how an administrator can use the integrated GPU dashboards to understand metrics like GPU utilization. All the data they require is literally just a click away.


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In the next blog, we will do a deep dive into the GPU Streaming Multiprocessor (aka SM) clock metric. In subsequent blogs, we will cover other GPU metrics that matter.