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Upstream Kubernetes on RHEL 9 using Rafay

Our recent release update adds support for a number of new features and enhancements. This blog is focused on support for Upstream Kubernetes on nodes based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) v9.2 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) v9.1. Both new cluster provisioning and in-place upgrades of Kubernetes clusters are supported for lifecycle management.

RHEL 9.2

New Cluster Provisioning

Users of the Rafay platform can provision upstream Kubernetes clusters on Red Hat Enterprise Linux v9.2 and v9.1 based nodes. Shown below is a screenshot.

Cluster RHEL 9

Clicking on a node in the cluster dashboard will provide additional details about the Kubernetes version as well.

New Cluster Node based on K8S 1.27

kubectl get no -o wide
NAME                                          STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION   INTERNAL-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   OS-IMAGE                              KERNEL-VERSION                 CONTAINER-RUNTIME    Ready    control-plane   31m   v1.28.1    <none>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2 (Plow)   5.14.0-284.30.1.el9_2.x86_64   containerd://1.6.10    Ready    <none>          25m   v1.28.1    <none>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2 (Plow)   5.14.0-284.30.1.el9_2.x86_64   containerd://1.6.10   Ready    <none>          25m   v1.28.1   <none>        Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2 (Plow)   5.14.0-284.30.1.el9_2.x86_64   containerd://1.6.10

Try It Out

Sign up here for a free trial and try it out yourself. Get Started includes a number of hands-on exercises that will help you get familiar with capabilities of Rafay's Kubernetes Management Platform.