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Schedule Jobs


The Schedule Jobs feature allows administrators to automate tasks like deployment, destruction, or workflow execution at the Environment Template level using cron expressions. Administrators can schedule tasks such as provisioning environments every Monday at 6:00 AM or destroying them every Friday at 10:00 PM. The default timezone is UTC unless a specific timezone is provided, and TTL parameters can be set to automatically destroy environments at predefined times. Users also have the flexibility to opt out of predefined schedules based on configurable rules and approval workflows, enabling efficient management of routine tasks.

Did you know ?

Schedule Jobs can be managed through various methods:


  • Users cannot override the schedule but can opt out if allowed
  • Any changes made to schedules in draft template versions will not be automatically considered by all associated environments; users need to manually save or reapply the environment to reflect these changes

API Configuration for Scheduling Tasks

Below are a few examples of an API configuration spec with three (3) schedule types - deploy / destroy / workflow execution:

destroy - For destroying VM instances

  • Schedule: "remove-instance"
  • Description: Removes the specified virtual machine (VM) instance.
  • Type: destroy
    • Purpose: Indicates that the primary action is to delete or remove a specified resource, which in this case is a VM instance
    • Action: Executes the destruction of the VM instance when triggered according to the configuration
    • Context: Used for tasks that involve terminating or cleaning up resources that are no longer needed
  • Cron Expression: "45 07 * * *": This schedule triggers every day at 7:45 AM UTC Opt-out Options: Allow Opt-out: Users can opt out of this task if needed
    • Max Allowed Duration: "24h" – Defines the maximum duration (24 hours) during which users can opt out of the scheduled task
  • Approval Process: Requires an internal approval task named "approval-task" managed by the "default-agent"
  "apiVersion": "",
  "kind": "EnvironmentTemplate",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "default-envtemplate",
    "description": "Default Environment Template",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": "user-id",
      "username": ""
    "modifiedBy": {
      "id": "user-id",
      "username": ""
  "spec": {
    "version": "v1",
    "resources": [
        "type": "dynamic",
        "kind": "resourcetemplate",
        "name": "default-resource",
        "resourceOptions": {
          "version": "v1"
    "schedules": [
        "name": "remove-instance",
        "description": "Remove the specified virtual machine instance.",
        "type": "destroy",
        "cadence": {
          "cronExpression": "45 07 * * *"
        "optOutOptions": {
          "allowOptOut": true,
          "maxAllowedDuration": "24h",
          "approval": {
            "tasks": [
                "name": "approval-task",
                "type": "approval",
                "agents": [
                    "name": "default-agent"
                "options": {
                  "approval": {
                    "type": "internal"
    "versionState": "draft"

workflows - For executing HTTP requests

  • Schedule: "http-request-job"
  • Description: Executes an HTTP request to a specified endpoint
  • Type: workflows
    • Purpose: Specifies that the schedule is for executing workflows, including tasks such as making HTTP requests
    • Action: Performs the HTTP request to the given endpoint according to the schedule
    • Context: Used for tasks that involve interaction with external services or systems via HTTP requests
  • Cron Expression: "40 07 * * *": This schedule triggers every day at 7:40 AM UTC
  • Workflows: Executes an HTTP GET request to "" via the "http-request-task" driver
  "apiVersion": "",
  "kind": "EnvironmentTemplate",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "default-envtemplate",
    "description": "Default Environment Template",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": "user-id",
      "username": ""
    "modifiedBy": {
      "id": "user-id",
      "username": ""
  "spec": {
    "version": "v1",
    "resources": [
        "type": "dynamic",
        "kind": "resourcetemplate",
        "name": "default-resource",
        "resourceOptions": {
          "version": "v1"
    "schedules": [
        "name": "http-request-job",
        "description": "Executes an HTTP request to a specified endpoint.",
        "type": "workflows",
        "cadence": {
          "cronExpression": "40 07 * * *"
        "workflows": {
          "tasks": [
              "name": "http-request-task",
              "type": "driver",
              "driver": {
                "data": {
                  "config": {
                    "type": "http",
                    "http": {
                      "endpoint": "",
                      "method": "GET"
    "versionState": "draft"

deploy - For Managing Node Pools

  • Schedule: "destroy-nodepools"
  • Description: Destroys all node pools except the default one
  • Type: deploy
    • Purpose: Indicates that the primary action is to perform deployment tasks, including the removal of specified resources (node pools)
    • Action: Executes the deployment to remove node pools, excluding the default one, when triggered according to the configuration
    • Context: Used for tasks that involve managing and modifying cluster resources
  • Cron Expression: "55 11 18 7 *": This schedule triggers once a year on July 18th at 11:55 AM UTC
  • Opt-out Options: Users can opt out of this task for up to 24 hours, with a maximum of 3 allowed opt-outs
  "apiVersion": "",
  "kind": "EnvironmentTemplate",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "gke-np-envtemplate",
    "description": "GKE with node pool environment template",
    "projectID": "1ky4gkz"
  "spec": {
    "version": "v1",
    "resources": [
        "type": "dynamic",
        "kind": "resourcetemplate",
        "name": "gke-np-template",
        "resourceOptions": {
          "version": "v1"
    "schedules": [
        "name": "deploy-nodepools",
        "description": "Deploy or update node pools except the default one.",
        "type": "deploy",
        "cadence": {
          "cronExpression": "55 11 18 7 *"
        "optOutOptions": {
          "allowOptOut": true,
          "maxAllowedDuration": "24h",
          "maxAllowedTimes": 3
        "context": {
          "data": {
            "variables": [
                "name": "node_pools",
                "valueType": "json",
                "value": "[{\"disk_size_gb\":100,\"disk_type\":\"pd-standard\",\"image_type\":\"COS_CONTAINERD\",\"initial_node_count\":1,\"max_count\":100,\"min_count\":1,\"name\":\"inception-node-pool\",\"node_count\":3,\"node_locations\":\"us-central1-a,us-central1-b\"}]"
    "versionState": "draft"

Config Specification

The following Environment Template spec configures GCP resource management with scheduled tasks, such as destroying VM instances and executing HTTP requests. It includes cron-based scheduling, approval workflows, and opt-out options for flexible automation.

kind: EnvironmentTemplate
  name: gcp-envtemplate
  description: Environment Template for GCP Resources
  version: v1
  - type: dynamic
    kind: resourcetemplate
    name: gcp-vpc-instance
      version: v1
  - name: destroy-vm-instance
    description: Destroy the virtual machine instance
    type: destroy
      cronExpression: 45 11 * * *
      cronTimezone: IST
      allowOptOut: true
      maxAllowedDuration: 24h
        - name: mock-approval
          type: approval
          - name: envmgr-agent-feb
              type: internal
  - name: force-destroy-vm-instance
    description: Destroy the virtual machine instance
    type: destroy
      cronExpression: 0 0 * * 5
  - name: execute-http-request
    description: Execute Http Request
    type: workflows
      cronExpression: 40 07 * * *
      - name: mock-get-clientip
        type: driver
              type: http
                method: GET
  versionState: draft