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Releases - Aug 2023

v1.28 - SaaS

25 Aug, 2023

This section below provides a brief description of the new functionality and enhancements in this release.

Amazon EKS

Support for additional regions

Support for Israel (Tel Aviv) region has been added with this release.

Tel Aviv

Cross Account Role ARN

In the "Use Cross Account Role ARN" drop-down menu, customers can now manually enter an ARN for wildcard scenarios with this release.

Custom Optioon

Google GKE

Upgrade Available Notification

If clusters are running versions that are behind the latest supported K8s version of GKE, an "Upgrade Available" notification is displayed on the cluster card UI for those clusters.

Azure AKS

Kubernetes v1.27

New AKS clusters can now be provisioned based on Kubernetes v1.27.

AKS v1.27


Support for upgrading existing clusters managed by the controller "in-place" to Kubernetes v1.27 will be available with an upcoming release

Upstream Kubernetes for Bare Metal and VMs

Node labels and Node taints

It is now possible to add and delete node labels and node taints (includes Day 2 support) using RCTL.

Upgrade plan optimization

By default, upgrades of nodes are sequential. With this enhancement, users have the option of orchestrating node upgrades in parallel. Users can now decide to upgrade a certain percentage or a specific number of nodes concurrently.

upgrade strategy

VMware vSphere

List subfolders in the drop down of VM folder

Subfolders from the "VM Folder" drop-down can be selected when configuring the cluster configuration enabling a more seamless user experience.

Bootstrap agent connection

As part of this enhancement, agent connection will be automatically restarted and re-established with the controller if it is lost. This ensures that the agent can continue to handle operations gracefully.

Bootstrap agent deployment

As part of this enhancement, the folder configured in the cluster configuration will be used to deploy the bootstrap agent VM as well enabling a 'least privileged approach' to deploying clusters.


Audit Logs

Cluster deletion can be an extremely time consuming activity because a complex infrastructure stack has to be deprovisioned. When a cluster is deleted, two audit events - one for 'initiation' and the other for 'completion' are now recorded and captured. This will provide administrators clarity on the time taken for deprovisioning and whether the operation was successful.


Detailed Status in RCTL CLI

Support for "rctl status workload --detailed" has been extended to address v3 spec workloads. This allows users to implement complex business logic in their deployment pipelines and relay detailed status of a workloads resources as part of their deployment pipeline logic.

KubeCTL settings


Sync improvements

There are a number of optimizations with this release around a couple of areas:

  • Handling BP sync failure scenarios (e.g. if there are multiple add-ons configured with dependencies, blueprint sync will fail immediately when one of the add-on deployment fails with this release)
  • Update process for Rafay operator components & managed add-ons/services.

Zero-Trust Access


Plugins extend kubectl with new sub-commands, allowing for new and custom features not included in the standard distribution of kubectl. Support for two commonly used plugins have been added with this release for browser based kubectl access - argo and grep providing conveniences for the user with progressive rollouts and search.

KubeCTL settings

Cost Management


With this release, a timeline based view for visualizing spend across projects, clusters and namespaces across multiple dimensions (e.g. utilization) has been made available. Cost Explorer is designed with an intent to aid customers with 'cluster right-sizing' and 'application right-sizing' optimization exercises.


Limited Access - This capability is enabled selectively for Orgs and is not available to all Prod Orgs.

API Docs

v3 APIs

A link has now been added to Swagger UI for v3 APIs from the console.

v3 APIs


It is recommended to use v3 APIs wherever available. v3 APIs were designed to enable a more consistent experience and follows a declarative usage pattern.

v1.28 - Bug Fixes

Bug ID Description
RC-28235 IDP users unable to update cluster labels via Terraform
RC-28434 GKE: Provisioning error message when instance type is not supported is not intuitive
RC-27934 Cost Management: Node selector not set to linux to avoid OpenCost pod being scheduled on a Windows node
RC-10046 Backup & Restore service agents cannot be deleted even when they are not deployed to any clusters
RC-25088 Error message displayed is not intuitive when rctl command is executed without including env configuration
RC-29289 Catalog sync fails if Helm chart names in the repo have uppercase characters

v1.27 Update 1 - SaaS

11 Aug, 2023

This section below provides a brief description of the changes in this release.

Amazon EKS

Kubernetes v1.27

New EKS clusters can now be provisioned based on Kubernetes v1.27.

New EKS v1.27


Support for upgrading existing clusters managed by the controller "in-place" to Kubernetes v1.27 will be available with an upcoming release

Bug Fixes

Bug ID Description
RC-29082 Unable to provision GKE clusters with a shared VPC