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Releases - Sept 2023

v1.1.17 - Terraform Provider

11 Sep, 2023

An updated version of the Terraform provider is now available. Please refer to the documentation for additional details.

This release includes the following enhancements:

  • Support for Fleet Plan resource

  • Ability to specify environment & K8s distribution details when importing a cluster through TF

Bug Fixes

Bug ID Description
RC-20131 Unable to create a deactivated GitOps Agent or deactivate an active GitOps agent
RC-16258 EKS: Unable to update tags for cluster and NG post cluster provisioning
RC-22343 EKS: TF apply action incorrectly throws an error on adding a new NG
RC-27276 EKS: Even when a different version is specified for NG, they are getting created with the version that was specified for the control plane
RC-27108 EKS: Re-applying TF indicates that there are changes in the add-on section after upgrading the EKS cluster even when there are no changes
RC-28441 Unable to update cluster label