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17 Dec, 2021

Upstream Kubernetes

k8s v1.22

Provisioning of new upstream Kubernetes clusters based on v1.22. Existing clusters based on older versions can be upgraded in-place to v1.22.

Note that Kubernetes v1.22 removes several core APIs. Plan and test before performing upgrades to ensure your applications are not impacted.

Extended Cluster Name

Upstream Kubernetes clusters can now be provisioned with extended cluster names with a maximum length of 63 characters.

Read Only Org Admin Role

A new "read only" organization admin role is available. Users with this role have "read only" access to all resources that a regular organization administrator has access to.

Amazon EKS


Users can now specify different subnets for the EKS control plane and node groups during cluster provisioning.

Host Network for Calico

Turnkey support for hostnetwork is now available for EKS clusters using the Calico CNI.

Single Sign On (SSO)

SSO integration has been enhanced to supportand option where "group information" is not sent by the configured Identity Provider (IdP). These users will be authenticated by the IdP, but the user's role assignments will be performed locally by the Org Administrator.

Zero Trust Kubectl

Customers using private relay networks can now configure and use custom certificates for authentication.

Download Container Logs

The platform's integrated debugging and troubleshooting capabilities have been enhanced allowing authorized developers to download "container logs" from remote clusters in a single click to their laptops.


Secrets Encryption

GitOps pipelines now support automatic encryption of sensitive data that is stored and accessed from customer Git repositories.

Insert Stages

Users can now insert a new stage between existing stages in their pipelines. This allows users to incrementally iterate and tweak workflows in a non-invasive manner.

Bug Fixes

Bug ID Description
RC-12411 Whitelabeling for Namespace wizard
RC-12133 'clear filter' button is not working on System > Alert page
RC-12132 No option to delete the Project which has a long name
RC-11946 Provide "Save and Exit" button in IdP configuration page
RC-11562 Unshare the cluster from 1 project causing the cluster set to not shared in the v2 DB causing deployment/gitops agent stopped working in shared projects
RC-10847 EKS Upgrade: When upgrading node group only in an EKS cluster show the nodegroup name in the summary
RC-9708 EKS cluster provisioning still failed after setting the correct permission for the cloud credentials
RC-9277 Kubectl console from the web console is overlapping with the dashboard


19 Nov, 2021

Amazon EKS

AWS Wavelength

AWS Wavelength zones are ‘availability zones’ where compute and storage services are embedded within a telecom provider's data centers at the edge of the 5G network. Wavelength zones bring processing power and storage physically closer to 5G mobile users and wireless devices delivering enhanced user experiences such as near "real-time analytics" for instant decision-making or automated robotic systems in manufacturing facilities.

Infrastructure administrators can now

  • Provision node groups in wavelength zones (WZ)
  • Automatically assign a Carrier IP to nodes in WZ and display in the dashboard
  • Provision a Carrier Gateway.

Wavelength in EKS

More here

Application owners can now leverage advanced placement strategies to deploy the "same workload to different wavelength zones in the same EKS cluster".

Scale to 0

EKS Clusters with managed node groups can now be scaled to zero (0) worker nodes allowing users to save AWS spend during periods of no utilization.


Inline YAML Editor

Support for inline editing of YAML based addons in a cluster blueprint

Inline YAML Editor

Swagger APIs

Swagger APIs have been added to (a) download bootstrap YAML files for imported clusters and (b) Add labels to nodes.

Bug Fixes

Bug ID Description
RC-12096 Resolved issue applying TLS private key to Wizard workloads
RC-12078 Prevent node delete when it's the only node in the cluster and master
RC-12026 Correctly render Cluster Resource Utilization Chart
RC-11828 Fixed issue with shared Addon/Blueprint and Cluster Override
RC-11946 Added "Save and Exit" to IdP configuration Page
RC-10079 Added validation to reject multiple namespaces in the yaml manifest / yaml workload
RC-7965 Added ability to edit and save managed Addon Config files


29 Oct, 2021

Cluster Blueprints

The RCTL CLI now provides administrators the ability to specify the blueprint version in declarative cluster specification files for imported clusters.

Amazon AWS


Cluster administrators can now use the RCTL CLI to update "tags" and "labels" for managed nodegroup after creation.


In addition to access keys, AWS IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA) can now be used as credentials to perform backups/restores of Amazon EKS Clusters to S3. In addition to managing the entire lifecycle and operations using the web console, operations can now also be fully automated using the RCTL CLI.

IAM Role Backup

Custom AMI

Fully lifecycle management (provisioning, scaling and in-place upgrades) for managed node groups with Custom AMIs is now supported.

Node Group Timestamps

Both creation and last update time stamps for node groups are now displayed on the web console. This allows administrators to quickly answer "when was the last change" made.


Tagging Enhancements

Support for tagging of OIDC provider, launch template resources and ASG


Azure Container Registry

A turnkey integration with Azure Container Registry (ACR) is now available


SLA Backed AKS Control Plane

Administrators can optionally select a SLA backed control plane for their AKS clusters

AKS Tiers


Streamlined backup and restore operations can now be performed on AKS clusters with backups to Azure storage.

Backup AKS

Upstream Kubernetes

A declarative cluster specification can be used with the RCTL CLI for lifecycle management of upstream Kubernetes clusters managed by the controller.

SSO Integration

The entire lifecycle for integration with an Identity Provider for Single Sign On (SSO) support can be managed entirely via automation using the RCTL CLI.

Audit Logs

Expandable Column with JSON

Admins can now quickly view the entire JSON payload for an audit record allowing them to view all the metadata associated with it.

Expandable JSON

Swagger API

Swagger compliant REST APIs are now available for operations associated with namespaces, pipelines and cluster overrides.


Oct 1, 2021

GPU Dashboards

GPU metrics are automatically scraped and aggregated in the controller’s time series database. GPU metrics are are presented as integrated dashboards available on the console. More here

GPU Dashboard

Fleet Operations for Namespaces

Perform multi cluster, fleet operations on namespaces eliminating the operational burden of having to manage them one cluster at a time. Configure and enforce critical namespace attributes such as labels, annotations, resource quotas and limit ranges using an intuitive wizard. More here

Namespace Wizard

Security & Governance

Policy Management

Organizations need to ensure their fleet of clusters are in compliance with company policies to either meet governance and legal requirements or to enforce best practices and organizational conventions. The controller now provides turnkey support for managed OPA Gatekeeper providing enterprise grade workflows to centrally configure, deploy and enforce security policies. More here

Idle Timer Auto Logout

Org administrators can now specify idle timer thresholds that will automatically logout users after configured minutes of inactivity.

Cluster Admin Role

A new cluster admin role is now available to achieve separation of duties with infrastructure operations. Users with the cluster admin role can manage the lifecycle of Kubernetes clusters, but do not have access to privileged operations such as lifecycle management of addons, cluster blueprints and cloud credentials. More here

Base Blueprint

Admins can build custom cluster blueprints using one of the out of box blueprints as the base blueprint.

Blueprint Enforcement

Organization admins can now disable the use of default, out of box blueprints org wide. This will force projects to use only one of the custom blueprints for their clusters.

Blueprint Drift Controls

Instead of a default “detect and block drift detection” of k8s resources associated with cluster blueprints and namespaces, fine grained controls are now available for admins to select between three options: Ignore, Detect/Report or Detect/Block.

Private Kubectl Proxy

Organizations that operate in highly regulated environments can now optionally deploy and operate private proxy networks for zero trust kubectl on their clusters ensuring that this traffic is kept on their networks. This option enables organizations to benefit from being able to use the SaaS controller as the organization-wide orchestration and management platform and still remain in compliance with regulatory requirements.

Kubeconfig for API Users

API only users with a namespace admin role are now provided the means to button to download a kubeconfig for this RBAC’ed user to interact with remote k8s clusters using the zero trust kubectl channel. This is particularly useful for applications (e.g. CI systems like Jenkins) that need to interact with remote clusters using kubectl etc.

Kubectl Command Logs

In addition to the audit trail of all Kube API calls, an audit trail of the high level Kubectl commands initiated by authorized users on the web based Kubectl shell is now available as well. More here

ZTKA Command Logs

Fine Grained Kubectl Controls

Org Administrators are provided additional fine grained controls. They can now (a) configure a setting where k8s secrets on clusters can be viewed and managed only by users that have

  • An Org Admin role,
  • Enable/Disable Kubectl CLI based access org wide and
  • Enable/Disable browser based Kubectl access org wide.

ZTKA Controls


2-Way Sync with Git Repo

Users now have the option to enable "2-way sync" between their clusters and their Git repos. Whenever the user makes changes in the Git repo, these are automatically propagated to the clusters and vice versa. 2-way synchronization is based on Kubernetes style reconciliation of state i.e. changes are compared to the persisted object's declarative state and appropriate action is taken. More here

2-Way GitOps


Advanced Helm Settings

Advanced Helm options are now available for Helm 3 based workloads. Users can now configure advanced settings such as “wait”, “timeouts”, “execute chart hooks” etc.

Helm 3 Advanced Settings


To enable faster troubleshooting of issues such as misconfigured k8s resources, authorized developers and cluster admins can now “describe and view” Kubernetes pods right with the click of a button via the console.

Describe Pod

Authorized developers and cluster admins can now "delete” Kubernetes pods right with the click of a button via the console. In addition to the default view of the workload’s k8s resources pre-filtered by an automatically injected workload label, workload administrators can now also optionally view the resources by namespace.

Namespace Selector

Multiple Values

Ability for developers to specify multiple values.yaml files for Git repo based Helm based workloads.

IPv6 for Workload Wizard

Developers using the workload wizard can specify support for IPv6 (dual stack) for their containers.

IPv6 Dual Stack

Annotations for Integrations

The convenience of a copy/paste experience is now provided to developers for configured registry integrations. This dramatically reduces the associated learning curve and removes the need for troubleshooting and resolution of issues associated with misconfigured annotations.

Annotations for Registry

Amazon EKS

K8s Upgrade Optimizations

The k8s upgrade workflow for EKS clusters with self managed node groups has been optimized to complete significantly faster and without requiring additional resources for pods.

Fully Private Control Plane

EKS clusters can now be provisioned with a fully private control plane ensuring that it is never public at any time during its life.

Alternate CNI

Administrators can now specify an alternate CNI (e.g. Calico) during EKS cluster provisioning. More here

Calico CNI

Workflows for IRSA

IRSAs allows the association of an AWS IAM role with a Kubernetes service account. This service account can then provide necessary AWS permissions to the containers in any pod that uses that service account. With IRSA, it is not required to provide extended permissions to the Amazon EKS node IAM role so that pods on that node can call AWS APIs.

Intuitive workflows for full lifecycle management of IRSAs is now available in the web console right on the provisioned EKS Cluster (in addition to the RCTL CLI and APIs). More here and here

Self Service IRSA

K8s 1.21

Existing controller provisioned and managed EKS clusters can be seamlessly upgraded to k8s 1.21. New EKS clusters can now be provisioned based on k8s 1.21.

Infra GitOps

The RCTL CLI based “rctl apply -f ” based GitOps capabilities for lifecycle management of Amazon EKS have been enhanced with additional fine grained controls for administrators. Specifically, in addition to existing GitOps capabilities, administrators can now also perform the following by making changes to declarative specs in their Git repos.

  • Per nodegroup upgrades
  • Changes in labels and tags
  • Changes in logging (audit, api, scheduler, controller manager, authenticators

Upstream Kubernetes

ARM Worker Nodes

Administrators can now add ARM 64 CPU based worker nodes to controller managed, upstream Kubernetes clusters. More here

Zero Trust Host Access

Management of a large, remote distributed fleet of upstream Kubernetes clusters can be operationally challenging. Administrators may need to frequently perform “node OS level” operations to keep the fleet upto date and healthy. For example, they may need to remotely install/update a device driver on a remote node OS that is operating behind a firewall.

Remote access to the nodes via inbound access mechanisms such as SSH and VPNs may be impossible or at best operationally cumbersome. For scenarios like this, swagger compliant APIs for zero trust host access are now available. Authorized users can use this to send/receive commands to nodes in the fleet of managed, upstream Kubernetes clusters. A full audit trail of usage of the APIs is maintained on the controller and can be retrieved via REST APIs for forensic and compliance purposes. More here

Azure AKS

Lifecycle Management

Administrators can now provision and manage Azure AKS Kubernetes clusters using the controller. In addition to the self service, web console, they also have options for full lifecycle automation using the RCTL CLI and REST APIs. More here

AKS Blueprint

A default cluster blueprint tuned and optimized for AKS is now available.

RedHat OpenShift

OpenShift Blueprint

A default cluster blueprint tuned and optimized for OpenShift Container Platform environments is now available.

Backup/Restore Automation

Full automation of entire lifecycle related to backup/restore using the RCTL CLI

Alerts & Notifications

Force Close Alerts

Authorized administrators can now manually, force close alerts for scenarios that are not recoverable.

User Management


The user list can now be sorted by "username" and "last access time" to help admins streamline user search

Bug Fixes

Bug ID Description
RC-10849 Nodegroup upgrade pre-flight check failure leaves nodes in SchedulingDisabled state
RC-10835 IDP Users which have Project/Infra Admin Roles for a project cannot see the list of alerts from the cluster card
RC-11099 Display the blueprint version applied to the cluster when the cluster is imported via RCTL cluster spec file
RC-11149 Managed fluentd system addon throwing patten matching errors
RC-10944 If the user is added first time in the system to an organization and later removed from that org, the user cannot be added back to that org
RC-10838 For helm3 workload when just values file is modified and uploaded republish button is grayed out
RC-10801 When using multiple values file for helm deployment if values file name is same, we are overwriting the files the same contents
RC-10772 When vault integration is deleted on a cluster workload publish gets stuck in inprogress for ever as it is waiting for auxiliary tasks
RC-10902 When an addon is removed from the blueprint, all the addons after the deleted addons version change to empty in UI
RC-10494 Proper error message while creating the registry with invalid characters
RC-10795 rctl apply for EKS cluster returns RC=0 for validation errors
RC-9695 Namespace -> When we create a namespace and exceed the maximum number of chars, the interface doesn't tell which field is breaking the rule
RC-9704 Communication lost remains opened after the connection was re-established
RC-9635 Right after the workload is published, check the events in the Cluster Dashboard > Resource > Namespace, the "Age" show weird time "-1y-1d" for the 1st minute
RC-10839 Same User Multi Org Access Issue
RC-10077 Not able to put back the default approval window which is forever once a specific approval window has been configured once before
RC-9691 Infrastructure -> PSP -> When we exceed the name field length, no error is raised
RC-8407 Inconsistent data show in Rafay for cpu and memory resources of the node
RC-8350 Improve overall page loading performance for Web Console
RC-7699 Workload publish in progress for a long time for statefulset yaml workload with long container name


25 June, 2021

Upstream Kubernetes

New Kubernetes Versions

In addition to Kubernetes 1.18.x, 1.19.x and 1.20.x, customers can now provision clusters based on Kubernetes 1.21.x. Existing upstream Kubernetes clusters running older versions of Kubernetes can be seamlessly upgraded "in-place" to 1.21.x

k8s v1.21

Operating Systems

Customers can now provision upstream Kubernetes clusters on instances with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS operating system.

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Select Container Network Interface (CNI)

Users that wish to override the default CNI and select one from the list of supported CNIs can make this selection during cluster provisioning.

CNI Selection

IPv4/6 Dual Stack Support

Users can enable IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack networking on Kubernetes v1.21 or higher. This allows the simultaneous assignment of both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to Pods and Services.

IPv6 Support

Amazon EKS

Graviton 2 ARM based nodes

Users can now provision and manage node groups based on AWS's Graviton 2 ARM based processors. Watch a video of this feature in action.

Forward Proxy

Organizations that are required to use a forward proxy for all outbound connections from their EKS clusters to the SaaS controller etc can now configure and enable this during cluster provisioning.

EKS Forward Proxy

Support for k8s 1.20

Users can now provision EKS clusters based on Kubernetes 1.20 and also seamlessly upgrade their existing fleet to Kubernetes 1.20.

Infra GitOps

Users can now upgrade their EKS clusters to a new version of Kubernetes by simply updating the cluster specification file in their Git repo.

Scale to Zero

Organizations can now "scale down" their EKS clusters to "zero" worker nodes when not in use to save costs. The worker nodes can be "scaled up" anytime.

Zero Trust Kubectl (ZTKA)

Users with "Read Only" roles are now blocked from being able to perform any operations (GET, LIST, VIEW) on Kubernetes secrets on remote clusters.

Workload Wizard

Users of the workload wizard can now specify the storage class for both "shared workload wide volumes" as well as "container volumes".

Workload Wide Shared volumes

Workload Wide Shared Volumes

Container Volumes

Container Volumes


Enhancements to RCTL CLI focused on automation.

Project Lifecycle

Users with Org Admin roles can now use the RCTL CLI to "Create", "Read", "Update" and "Delete" Projects in their Orgs

Credential Provider Lifecycle

Authorized users can now use the RCTL CLI to "Create", "Read", "Update" and "Delete" Cloud Credentials in their Projects

Resource Sharing

Authorized users can now use the RCTL CLI to "Share" resources in their projects with "selected" or "all" projects in the Org

Cluster Overrides

In addition to using the RCTL CLI, users can now use the Console to "manage" the lifecycle for cluster overrides for both "workloads" and "addons" in a cluster blueprint.

Cluster Overrides UI

Swagger APIs

The REST APIs have been enhanced to add support for repositories, CD agent, users, groups.


Webhook payload details for pipeline received as part of a trigger from an external Git repository are now available for users to view and analyze for troubleshooting purposes.

Webhook Payload

White Labeling

Enhancements to white labeling for partners and service providers

Product Docs URL

The product docs URL can now be white labeled ensuring that only their branding is presented to their end users/customers.

Bug Fixes

Bug ID Description
RC-10678 Shared volume in the workload wizard is not working as the PVC's access mode is set to RWO and multiple pods cannot mount them
RC-10621 Git repo based workload failed to deploy if the commit message has special character
RC-10485 SSO User login with remember me causes the login button to stuck after logout
RC-10371 When adding a new blueprint version, the addon version dropdown always shows only the current selected version
RC-10276 Failed to run conjurer in Ubuntu Server 18.04.5 in Bare metal node
RC-10272 Unknown cluster health count is not shown in the Org and Project dashboard cluster card
RC-10078 Staging: gitops job UI displayed issue when 1 job took a long time to finish
RC-9691 Infrastructure -> PSP -> When we exceed the name field length, no error is raised
RC-8407 Inconsistent data show in Rafay for cpu and memory resources of the node
RC-8350 Improve overall page loading performance for the Console

v1.5 Patch 2

21 May, 2021

Vault Namespaces

Organizations that use Hashicorp Vault Enterprise and HCP Vault that implement Vault as a "service" internally can use "vault namespaces" to provide tenant level isolation across teams/BU's or applications. The controller's integration with Hashicorp Vault now supports the use of vault namespaces.

Vault Namespace

v1.5 Patch 1

17 May, 2021

Bug Fixes

Bug ID Description
RC-9615 White Labeling fixes for Ingress configuration in workload wizard
RC-9616 White Labeling fixes for container configuration in workload wizard
RC-9617 White Labeling fixes for container auto scaling configuration in workload wizard
RC-9618 Description for Minimal blueprint needs to be corrected
RC-10272 Unknown cluster health count is not shown in the Org and Project dashboard cluster card


07 May, 2021

Home Page

When users login into the console, they are now presented with a new home page with navigation options to quickly navigate to the project(s) they want to access.

Login Home Page


Organization dashboard

Organization Administrators will have access to an organization wide dashboard that will provide a bird’s eye view of resources across all projects.

Org Dashboard

Project dashboard

Project admins will have access to a project wide dashboard providing a bird’s eye view into all resources in the project.

Project Dashboard

Upstream Kubernetes

Customizable Retry Thresholds

For cluster provisioning and node additions in remote edge environments with slow or unreliable network connectivity, administrators can now specify retry thresholds for initial cluster provisioning and addition of new nodes. This ensures that provisioning and node additions will keep retrying until it is successful or if the specified threshold is met.

New Kubernetes Versions

In addition to Kubernetes 1.17.x, 1.18.x and 1.19.x, customers can now provision clusters based on Kubernetes 1.20.x (based on the containerd cri).

k8s v1.20

Existing upstream Kubernetes clusters can be seamlessly upgraded to 1.20.x

Upgrade to k8s v1.20

Custom Pod and Service Subnets

For scenarios where the customer's internal LAN subnet is the same as the default CIDR for the CNI, administrators can now specify a custom CIDR block for pod and service subnets during cluster provisioning.

Custom CIDR

Amazon EKS

Kubernetes Versions

Amazon EKS clusters can now be provisioned based on Kubernetes 1.19. Existing EKS clusters based on older versions of Kubernetes that are managed by the controller can be seamlessly upgraded to Kubernetes 1.19.

EKS k8s 1.19

Storage Classes

Worker nodes can now be provisioned with support for Amazon’s gp3 storage class

Spot Instances

Managed node groups can now be provisioned to use spot instances for significant cost savings.

Cloud Credentials

Administrators can quickly identify the cloud credentials associated with a managed EKS Cluster on the web console. They are also provided with an intuitive workflow to replace/switch cloud credentials after a cluster has been provisioned providing them with flexibility with ongoing operations.

EKS Cloud Credentials

Windows Node group Support

Administrators can now provision and manage self managed Windows node groups allowing them to deploy and operate Windows based containers on managed EKS clusters.

Windows Node Group

Advanced Customization

Administrators can also now optionally view, edit and perform advanced customization of the cluster’s configuration on the controller to provision a cluster or to add a new node group. They can also programmatically download and save the cluster specification of an active cluster in a version controlled Git repository. Examples for advanced customization options are available for Fargate profiles and user data for customization of ec2 based worker nodes.

# Usage: rctl create cluster eks -f ./test-eks-cluster.yaml
kind: Cluster
    env: dev
    type: eks-workloads
  name: test-eks
  project: defaultproject
  type: eks
  cloudprovider: dev-aws
  blueprint: standard-blueprint
kind: ClusterConfig

  name: test-eks
  region: us-west-1
    'app': 'demo'
    'owner': 'myowner'

        id: subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        id: subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        id: subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        id: subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  serviceRoleARN: arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/<IAM_ROLE_NAME>
  - name: nodegroup-4
    instanceType: t3.xlarge
    desiredCapacity: 1
    minSize: 1
    maxSize: 3
      instanceProfileARN: arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:instance-profile/<IAM_INSTANCE_PROFILE_NAME>
      instanceRoleARN: arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/<IAM_ROLE_NAME>
    volumeType: gp3
    volumeSize: 50
    privateNetworking: true
    volumeEncrypted: true
    volumeKmsKeyID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
      'app': 'myapp'
      'owner': 'myowner'
      allow: true
      publicKeyName: demo
      - sg-abc134
      - sg-def345
  # ARN of the KMS key
  keyARN: "arn:aws:kms:us-west-1:000000000000:key/00000000-0000-0000-0000-

In-Place Upgrade Enhancements

Keep your worker node OS patched and up to date. Perform seamless AMI updates for both managed and self managed node groups for both EKS Optimized AMIs and Custom AMIs.

AMI Upgrades

Force Delete

For scenarios where the underlying infrastructure in AWS has been deleted out-of-band or if the access credentials have been revoked, the administrator can now force delete the cluster in the controller.

Backup and Restore

Turnkey workflows for cluster disaster recovery use cases such as cluster migration and cluster cloning ensuring that these can be performed by admins in a reliable and standardized manner. Users are now provided with a 1-click workflow to initiate and perform restore operations from a backup.

1-Click Restore

Cluster Blueprints

Addons from repository

In addition to being able to upload Helm and k8s yaml artifacts for addons to the controller, they can now also be created referencing the artifacts from Git and Helm repositories in conformance with the GitOps paradigm.

Addons Repository

Minimal Cluster Blueprint

In addition to the default cluster blueprint, administrators now also have the option to select a minimal cluster blueprint. This is a lightweight blueprint that does not come with addons for monitoring, logging etc and is well suited for resource constrained Kubernetes deployments and environments where organizations have existing solutions for critical capabilities such as monitoring, logging etc. Note that for clusters with the minimal blueprint, the cluster dashboards will provide significantly scaled down visualization and metrics.

Minimal Blueprint

Search for Addons and Blueprints

It is common for organizations to have 100s of addons and blueprints. Administrators can now leverage the builtin search capability to quickly find the addons they are looking for from the available list of Addons and Blueprints. Further, while adding specific addons to a cluster blueprint, administrators can use the search functionality to quickly find and select the relevant addons resulting in increased productivity and better user experience.

Addon Dependency Management

In a blueprint that comprises multiple add-ons, there are situations where certain addons can be applied if and only when certain addons are already deployed and operational on the cluster. This calls for an acyclic graph execution model wherein certain components in a blueprint can be created/updated in parallel and certain ones based on availability of pre-requisites. Administrators can now specify and configure dependencies while creating a blueprint and the controller will take care of implementing dependency management across addons in cluster management operations.

Addon Dependency

Cluster overrides for addons

When deploying addons to a fleet of clusters, there can be situations where certain resources need to be customized at cluster level (customizable to a single cluster or group of clusters). With cluster overrides, the same addon can now be deployed on a fleet of clusters with customizable configurations that can differ on a cluster to cluster basis. Internally, this feature uses the generic capability of k8s labels and label selectors to match resources, replaceable values, target clusters. This makes it immensely flexible and powerful to be applied on a wide range of customer scenarios.


Cluster overrides for workloads

When deploying workloads to a fleet of clusters, there can be situations where certain resources need to be customized at a cluster level. With cluster overrides, the same workload can now be deployed on a fleet of clusters with customizable configurations that can differ on a cluster to cluster basis. The cluster overrides feature internally uses the generic capability of k8s labels and label selectors to match resources, replaceable values, target clusters. This makes it immensely flexible and powerful to be applied on a wide range of customer scenarios.

Debug and Troubleshooting enhancements

An intuitive and detailed debug workflow powered by the underlying zero trust control channel is now available for workloads. This provides users with end-to-end traceability and detailed visibility into all k8s resources associated with a workload. Users can also efficiently debug and troubleshoot issues using built in conveniences for viewing “k8s events”, “logs” and even perform remote kubectl exec operations on remote containers at the click of a button. In addition to current state, users are also provided insight into trends of critical k8s resources associated with their workloads.

Workload Debug

Multiple values in Helm3 workloads

Support for linking of multiple value files with a single Helm chart so as to facilitate advanced Helm3 chart customizations.

Multiple Values


CD Agent Lifecycle Management

Support of multiple versions of agents on the same cluster and the ability to activate/deactivate specific agents. Administrators can now see the exact version of the cd agents and manage the lifecycle of each agent individually providing them fine-grained control over the lifecycle.

GitOps Agent

Workload templates

In some cases, organizations need to associate the same workload with different pipelines. For example, separate pipelines for dev, staging and production. Instead of creating and maintaining separate workloads per pipeline, users can create a workload template that can be associated with one or more pipelines with customizable values. The customizable values can be either provided at configuration time or can be dynamically populated by the system based on evaluation of custom variables and expressions.

Workload Templates

Webhooks for GitLab repository

Adds first class support for managing webhooks from GitLab repositories for GitOps pipeline triggers.

GitLab Webhook

Infra Provisioning Stage

Support for a generic terraform provisioning stage to plan and apply infrastructure changes as part of the GitOps continuous delivery pipeline. Users will have the option to configure terraform stages and link that with approval and workload deployment stages to realize a highly customizable and effective continuous delivery pipeline

Infra Provisioner

Stage preconditions

Facilitates conditional execution of stages in a pipeline. Users can attach one or more conditions to a stage in their GitOps pipeline. The pipeline will make sure that the runtime execution of stage happens only if the conditions are satisfied at runtime.

Stage Preconditions

Approval workflow enhancements

In the approval stage, customers can now specify one or more users as approvers. Only these users will have the privilege to approve once workflow reaches the identified approval stage. If more than one user is present in approver’s list, approval from any one of them will be sufficient. If customers want to model a workflow where multiple approvals are mandatory, they can link multiple approval stages in a sequence with specific users.

Users for Approval Stage

Role Based Access Control

Resource sharing and Governance

Create, manage and share organization-level objects such as cloud credentials, clusters, blueprints and addons with all or specifically identified projects in the Organization. This workflow enables organizations to implement and centralize standards across all projects in their organization, achieve governance and enforce policies.

Resource Sharing

API keys for SSO users

Support for management of API keys for Single Sign On (SSO) users. SSO users can now use the RCTL CLI which uses API keys to make REST API calls to the controller for day to day operations.

Alerts for Project Users

Users with "project admin" or "read only project admin" roles are now provided visibility to pre-filtered audit logs for the projects they have access to.

Alerts for Project Admins


Forward Proxy Support

Organizations that require the use of an explicit forward proxy for all outbound https requests to the Internet can now explicitly specify the forward proxy details for ongoing control channel communications between the managed cluster and the SaaS controller.

Forward Proxy

Alerts & Audits

Whitelabel support for email communications

Details in email notification templates for alerts and approvals for GitOps pipelines can now be configured and customized per partner.

Pipeline agent health checks

Alerts are now automatically generated if the CD agent health deteriorates and requires immediate attention.

Audit trail for namespaces

Audit events are generated and captured for administrative actions on namespaces.

Bug Fixes

Bug ID Description
RC-10110 API only Namespace Admin user is not able to download kubeconfig via API or RCTL
RC-10104 CPU and Memory Utilization query issue with Multi container Pods - should include the pod name along with container name
RC-9982 Pipeline approval email is not working for partners
RC-9962 For helm repo workload/addon, if there is no Chart Version provided, pull the latest version of the helm chart
RC-9955 Crictl warning for runtime with K8S 1.20.5
RC-9826 Create Project: Do not Allow use of Capitals in Name
RC-9743 When there are multiple resources in the template with helm hook all the resources in the file are not getting installed in the cluster
RC-9706 Root filled in one day by syslog
RC-9705 Opening a project shows overlapping names
RC-9703 Alert emails have typos in the Possible Impact section
RC-9702 Cluster -> Resources -> Workloads -> Published Date is not correct
RC-9700 Workload Publish Success false positive when updating workload
RC-9698 Pod email alert message for the Possible Impact section should be corrected
RC-9697 Swagger documentation update for delete cluster operation
RC-9696 Alert emails -> When cluster/pod health is restored the email has wrong
RC-9692 Infrastructure -> PSP -> Unable to delete PSP which name is more than 63 characters
RC-9691 Infrastructure -> PSP -> When we exceed the name field length, no error is raised
RC-9689 GitOps Pipelines -> Create new pipeline -> Description field doesn't seem to have a char limit
RC-9687 Integrations -> Registry -> When we exceed the name field length, incorrect error is raised
RC-9686 System -> Projects -> When we exceed the name or description field length, incorrect error is raised
RC-9685 System -> Users -> Unable to search by firstname or lastname
RC-9684 System -> Users -> When we exceed the fields length, incorrect error is raised
RC-9683 System -> Users -> Alerts Recipients -> Email field should have limit on max character
RC-9656 Search for Workload with hostname does not work if giving the whole link of the hostname
RC-9653 Workload -> Debug : Age is not shown in days
RC-9652 Placement policy using value only label does not work for workload
RC-9651 Rafay Clusters - blueprint filter is not returning the same results
RC-9647 Remove Monitors setting for the cluster from UI
RC-9646 Remove maintenance mode from UI
RC-9645 Pods, Events and Trends icons are not working
RC-9644 PV are not displayed in the cluster resources tab
RC-9641 Systems > Alerts are not filtered correctly by severity
RC-9640 Workload count from the list view is not displaying the correct values
RC-9639 System -> Audit logs -> Kubectl logs filter issues
RC-9636 Empty Error red message box displayed when creating the invalid user
RC-9635 Right after the workload is published, check the events in the Cluster Dashboard > Resource > Namespace, the "Age" show weird time "-1y-1d" for the 1st minute
RC-9591 Zero trust kubectl access to cluster lost for 15 mins
RC-9449 Managed ingress doesn't get enabled from RCTL
RC-9394 Enable ALB and EFS additional IAM roles for EKS cluster does not take effect
RC-9390 UI: Hide EKS NodeGroup Node AMI Family option depend on version selected for the EKS cluster
RC-9375 Exclude kube-system, rafay-system, rafay-infra from secret admission webhook
RC-9357 Not able to create an API key for org admin user using partner admin API Key
RC-9277 Kubectl console from the UI is overlapping with the dashboard
RC-9276 Pagination is not reset when changing filter in the cluster Resources Dashboard page
RC-9269 Swagger-API: Cleanup warnings/errors during generation of SDK
RC-9234 Workload with registry integration is failed to publish due to client pool timed out
RC-9231 Should validate addon name to under 63 characters to avoid blueprint sync status stuck in In Progress forever
RC-9192 Workload in Publish tab shows Config changed republish though no config is changed; is_dirty flag is getting set to true
RC-8935 Run 'vault-init' and 'vault-sidecar' container as non privileged, nonroot user
RC-8409 Clusters view is not displayed correctly in window mode
RC-7702 End of Life Software =IP.I.15 for openresty


05 Apr, 2021

No new features were introduced in this patch.

Bug Fixes

Bug ID Description
RC-9743 For helm3 workloads, when there are multiple resources defined in a template, helm hooks are not getting executed

QCOW and OVA Image Updates

01 Apr, 2021

QCOW Image Update

Updated qcow and ova images (v1.4) are now available to customers. This is primarily an ongoing security update that incorporates the latest OS kernel updates, container images and refreshes the OS packages.

This is packaging only release focused on ensuring that newly provisioned clusters based on the qcow and ova images will not require post provisioning kernel level security patches to be applied requiring reboots etc.

Bug Fixes

This does not incorporate any new features or bug fixes. Exact list of file changes in the updated qcow image will be provided to customers and partners upon request.

v1.4.0 QCOW Image

24 Feb, 2021

QCOW Image Update

An updated qcow image (v1.4) is now available to customers. This is primarily an ongoing security update that incorporates the latest OS kernel updates, container images and refreshes the OS packages.

This is packaging only release focused on ensuring that newly provisioned qcow image based clusters will not require kernel level security patches to be applied post cluster provisioning.

Bug Fixes

This does not incorporate any new features or bug fixes. Exact list of file changes in the updated qcow image will be provided to customers and partners upon request.


19 Feb, 2021

Amazon EKS

The RCTL CLI based lifecycle management of Amazon EKS clusters has been enhanced to add support for "Volume Encryption", "GP3" and "Envelope Encryption of Secrets in etcd". All customers are recommended to update to the latest version of RCTL. View additional details here.

Kubernetes Patches

Support for latest updates of upstream k8s: v1.19.7, 1.18.15, 1.17.17. Customers are recommended to upgrade their managed clusters as quickly as possible to ensure they have the latest related updates.

k8s Upgrades

Upgrades of managed upstream k8s clusters are performed "in-place" with "zero downtime" and are completed in just a few minutes. See screenshot below for an example.

k8s Upgrades

Bug Fixes



9 Feb, 2021

Options for Blueprints

The log aggregation addon is no longer mandatory in the default cluster blueprint. Users can optionally deselect this addon from their custom blueprints. This can be useful for deployments where organizations may have standardized on an alternate log aggregation technology.

Optional Log Aggregation Addon

Defaults for OVA based Clusters

Default settings for the OVA based cluster provisioning wizard have been updated to streamline the user experience. With this update, users can provision OVA image based clusters in a single click.

Bug Fixes



27 Jan, 2021

No new features were introduced in this patch.

Bug Fixes

Bug ID Description
RC-9331 UI sets the wrong IP address format when the interface name is long causing cluster provisioning failures
RC-9233 Change the UI labels to reflect the right units for the workload custom container image
RC-9543 Blank page on session expiry at console login page