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Release - June 2024

v2.6 - Self Hosted

07 June, 2024

This release introduces:

  • Fresh controller installation for EKS, GKE, and Airgapped Controller.
  • Upgrade path from version 2.5 to 2.6 for GKE controller, EKS controller, and Airgapped controller.

The section below provides a brief description of the new functionality and enhancements in the v2.6 controller release.

Self Hosted Controller Application Enhancements

Tolerations Support for Pods

With this release, you can now define toleration configurations within config.yaml as part of the controller application installation. This configuration ensures that pods automatically tolerate defined taints on nodes.

Here is the configuration you can use in config.yaml within the spec section:

pod_tolerations:       #add all the requried pod tolerations below
  enable: false        # set to true to apply pod tolerations
    - key: ""
      operator: ""
      value: ""
      effect: ""
    - key: ""
      operator: ""
      value: ""
      effect: ""

Custom Labels Support for Namespaces

With this release, you can now define custom labels configurations for namespaces within config.yaml as part of the controller application installation. .This configuration provides flexibility in managing namespaces, especially when running policy enforcers that rely on specific labels.

Here is the configuration you can use in config.yaml within the spec section:

namespace-labels:      #add all the labels "key: value" pairs below
  key: value 

Amazon EKS

Upgrade Insights

Upgrade insights scans the cluster’s audit logs for events related to APIs that have been deprecated. This helps in the identification and remediation of the appropriate resources before executing the upgrade. This information is now available within Rafay's console with this release, making it easy for cluster administrators to consume information and orchestrate operations from one single place.


Upgrade Insights Permissions

For upgrade insights, ensure the IAM role associated with the cloud credential used for cluster LCM has the following permissions: - eks:ListInsights - eks:DescribeInsight Please note that while these permissions are necessary for the upgrade insights capability to work, the existing cluster Lifecycle Management functionality will continue to work seamlessly even if these permissions are not present.

Known Bug

When clicking on the upgrade insight tab inside the cluster configuration, if the user does not have the required upgrade insight IAM permission, we throw an error Server Error. Please try again after some time. This essentially indicates insufficient privileges to view this. We acknowledge that the error message is unclear and plan to clarify it in the upcoming release.

More information on this feature can be found here

Managed Add-ons

Support has been added for the following EKS Managed Add-ons with this release.

  • Amazon EFS CSI driver
  • Mountpoint for Amazon S3 CSI Driver
  • CSI snapshot controller
  • Amazon CloudWatch Observability agent

Managed Add-ons

For more information, please refer to the Managed Addons Documentation

Azure AKS Applicable for controllers with Signed certificates only

Azure Overlay CNI

In this release, we have added support for Azure CNI overlay in AKS clusters using RCTL/Terraform/SystemSync/Swagger API. We plan to extend this support to UI in the next release. This enhancement aims to improve scalability, alleviate address exhaustion concerns, and simplify cluster scaling.

Subset Cluster Config with Azure Overlay

    loadBalancerSku: standard
    networkPlugin: azure
    networkPluginMode: overlay
    networkPolicy: calico

Kubernetes 1.29

New AKS clusters can be provisioned based on Kubernetes v1.29.x. Existing clusters managed by the controller can be upgraded in-place to Kubernetes v1.29.x.

AKS 1.29

Google GKE

Cluster Reservation Affinity

In this release, we have extended support for configuring reservation affinity beyond the UI and Terraform. Users can now utilize other interfaces such as RCTL/SystemSync to configure reservation affinity, enabling the utilization of reserved compute engine instances in GKE by setting Reservation Affinity to node pools.

Cluster Config with Reservation Affinity

  "apiVersion": "",
  "kind": "Cluster",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "my-cluster",
    "project": "defaultproject"
  "spec": {
    "cloudCredentials": "dev",
    "type": "gke",
    "config": {
      "gcpProject": "dev-382813",
      "location": {
        "type": "zonal",
        "config": {
          "zone": "us-central1-a"
      "controlPlaneVersion": "1.27",
      "network": {
        "name": "default",
        "subnetName": "default",
        "access": {
          "type": "public",
          "config": null
        "enableVPCNativetraffic": true,
        "maxPodsPerNode": 110
      "features": {
        "enableComputeEnginePersistentDiskCSIDriver": true
      "nodePools": [
          "name": "default-nodepool",
          "nodeVersion": "1.27",
          "size": 2,
          "machineConfig": {
            "imageType": "COS_CONTAINERD",
            "machineType": "e2-standard-4",
            "bootDiskType": "pd-standard",
            "bootDiskSize": 100,
            "reservationAffinity": {
              "consumeReservationType": "specific",
              "reservationName": "my-reservation"
          "upgradeSettings": {
            "strategy": "SURGE",
            "config": {
              "maxSurge": 1
    "blueprint": {
      "name": "minimal",
      "version": "latest"

Kubernetes 1.29

New GKE clusters can be provisioned based on Kubernetes v1.29.x. Existing clusters managed by the controller can be upgraded in-place to Kubernetes v1.29.x.

GKE 1.29

Imported/Registered Clusters

Fleet Support

Now, you can use fleet operations with imported cluster types. Easily update blueprints across imported clusters with fleet ops functionality.

imported cluster fleet

blueprint update


The action types like Control Plane Upgrade, Node Group And Control Plane Upgrade, Node Groups Upgrade, and Patch are applicable for EKS and AKS cluster types but not for imported cluster types. However, the type Blueprint is applicable for EKS,AKS and Imported Cluster type as well.


Export Option

An export option is now available to download the list of clusters across the organization/projects with metadata including custom labels, K8s version, active nodes, project etc. This will help customers plan for operations such as upgrades, co-ordinate with cluster owners etc.

Cluster Export

Resources Page

A number of improvements have been implemented to the Resources page including:

  • Addition of a vertical scroller to Cluster resource grids
  • Displaying information related to HPAs in the workloads debug page
  • Displaying Custom Resources associated with CRDs

CRD improvements



With previous releases, deletion of add-ons is not allowed if it is referenced in any of the blueprints. With this release, add-ons can be deleted if it is part of blueprint versions that are disabled. This lets Platform Admins delete any stale or unused add-ons. There is a check still in place preventing add-ons being deleted if they are still part of any active blueprint versions.

Custom Roles for Zero-Trust Access

Workspace Admin Roles

A previous release introduced the ZTKA Custom Access feature that enables customers to define custom RBAC definitions to control the access that users have to the clusters in the organization. An example could be restricting users to read only access (get, list, watch verbs) for certain resources (e.g. pods, secrets) in a certain namespace.

In order to remove the need for a Platform Admin to create a Role definition file individually for each of the namespaces, a facility has been added to include the label rolebinding in the ClusterRole definition file. This creates RoleBindings on the fly in all the namespaces associated with the Workspace Admin base role.


This feature was earlier available only for Namespace Admin roles, this has been extended to Workspace Admins with this release

This table summarizes the various scenarios and the resulting behavior.

User Management

Orgs with large number of users, groups and roles will experience significantly faster load times for listing and searches.

v2.6 Bug Fixes

Bug ID Description
RC-32872 ZTKA Custom role does not work when base role is Org read only
RC-33175 UI: When selecting the Environment Template User role to assign to the group, all other selected roles get deselected automatically
RC-33698 Namespace Admin role is not able to deploy the workload when the namespace is in terminating state
RC-30728 Upstream K8s: When adding a new node as part of a Day 2 operation, node labels and taints are not being accepted
RC-33356 EKS: Cluster provisioning is in an infinite loop if blueprint sync fails during provisioning via TF interface
RC-33361 Backup and Restore: UI shows old agent name even when a new data agent is deployed in the same cluster
RC-33673 ClusterRolebinding of a Project admin role user gets deleted for an IdP user having multiple group associations and roles including Org READ ONLY role
RC-32592 MKS: Replace ntpd with systemd's timesyncd
RC-33845 EKS: No bootstrap agents found error raised at drain process
RC-33702 MKS: Node taints are not getting applied when a failed rctl apply attempt is retriggered from UI