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Access Reports

Access Reports


Users can use RCTL to generate, list and download access reports

Generate Report(s)

User or Group Type - All

Use the following command to generate a report of all user and group types in csv format

./rctl generate accessreport reportname --format csv --filter all


./rctl generate accessreport reportname

User Type - Local Users

Use the following command to generate a report of Local Users in json format

./rctl generate accessreport reportname --format json --filter users-local

User Type - IDP Users

Use the following command to generate a report of IDP Users in json format

./rctl generate accessreport reportname --format json --filter users-idp

Group Type - IDP Group

Use the following command to generate a report of IDP Groups in csv format

./rctl generate accessreport reportname --format csv --filter groups-idp

Group Type - Override Groups

Use the following command to generate a report of Override Groups in csv format

./rctl generate accessreport reportname --format csv --filter groups-override

Schedule Reports

Below are examples of commands to schedule user access reports with varying frequencies and formats:

  • Annually: Generates a yearly user access report in CSV format
  • Monthly: Generates a monthly user access report in CSV format
  • Quarterly: Generates a quarterly user access report in JSON format

Annual Report Generation

Schedules the generation of a user access report annually in CSV format, including all available data.

./rctl schedule accessreport reportName annually --format csv --filter all

Monthly Report Generation

Schedules the generation of a user access report monthly in CSV format, including all available data.

./rctl schedule accessreport reportName monthly --format csv --filter all

Quarterly Report Generation

Schedules the generation of a user access report quarterly in JSON format, including all available data.

./rctl schedule accessreport reportName quarterly --format json --filter all

List Access Reports

To view the list of all generated access groups

./rctl get accessreports

Example Output

./rctl get accessreports                                                            12:13:45
| REPORTID | TYPE      | FILENAME                                                                                                                     | FORMAT | GENERATEDAT                    |
| qkog7n2  | Ad-Hoc    | demo-report_2024-07-19_05-43-45.csv                                                                                          | csv    | 2024-07-19 05:43:45.984695     |
|          |           |                                                                                                                              |        | +0000 UTC                      |
| lk5xod2  | Scheduled | scheduled_report1_2024-07-04_18-40-00.csv                                                                                    | csv    | 2024-07-04 18:40:00.013755     |
|          |           |                                                                                                                              |        | +0000 UTC                      |
| w2lr3n2  | Scheduled | scheduled_report1_2024-07-04_18-35-00.csv                                                                                    | csv    | 2024-07-04 18:35:00.018154     |
|          |           |                                                                                                                              |        | +0000 UTC                      |

Download Reports

To download an access report, use the command below. This will download a report with its original name.

rctl download accessreport <report_id>

To download a specific report with a specific name, use the following command:

./rctl download accessreport <report_id> --file <file-name>

Note: file-name is optional