S3 Compatible Storage
Follow the steps described below to create S3 Compatible Storage Location
Control Plane¶
- Install S3 Compatible Storage in your environment like MinIO to use for cluster backup. You can follow the recipe on how to install a centralize MinIO to your infrastructure cluster here
- Create a bucket in your MinIO with Read and Write access to use for backing up your cluster data. Note down Minio's URL and the bucket name to use for configuring in Web Console in later steps.
- From the Web Console, navigate to your Project
- Go to Backup/Restore > Locations menu to add New Location
- Provide the location name, and an optional description
- Select Type Control Plane Backup and click CREATE
- In the location settings page, under Config section, select Target Type as S3 Compatible Endpoint
- Enter the MinIO URL and Bucket Name for the MinIO bucket created above
- Click SAVE to create the location for control plane backup to MinIO bucket
Persistent Volumes¶
- Go back to Backup/Restore > Locations menu to add New Location
- Provide the location name, and an optional description
- Select Type Volume Backup and click CREATE
- In the location settings page, under Config section, select Target Type as S3 Compatible Endpoint
- Enter the MinIO URL and click SAVE to create the location for persistent volume backup to MinIO bucket
To edit/delete a location, use the respective icons