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Releases - Jan 2024

v2.3 Update 1 - SaaS

30 Jan, 2024

The section below provides a brief description of changes in this release.

Environment Manager

UX improvements

A number of improvements have been implemented with this release to improve the workflow experience for both Platform Administrators and end users

  • 'Search by name' capability for Environment Manager Resources

Env Manager

  • 'Upload file' support for Config Contexts

  • Ability for Platform Admins to add a display name, icon, category (from a pre-canned list) and README for the templates

Env Manager

  • Improved end user experience which makes it extremely simple for developers/data scientists to configure necessary input parameters and deploy environments based on Templates

Env Manager

Env Manager

v1.1.23 - Terraform Provider

25 Jan, 2024

An updated version of the Terraform provider is now available.

This release includes enhancements around resources listed below:

Existing Resources

  • resource_aks_cluster : System components placement support has been added
  • resource_aks_cluster_v3: System components placement support has been added to v3 resource
  • rafay_namespace: GPU Resource Quota (requests and limits) support has been added to this resource
  • rafay_project: GPU Resource Quota (requests and limits) support has been added to this resource
  • rafay_blueprint: CSI secret store configuration support has been added to this resource
  • rafay_blueprint: sync type support (Managed or Unmanaged) has been added to this resource

v2.3 - SaaS

19 Jan, 2024

The section below provides a brief description of the new functionality and enhancements in this release.

Environment Manager

Version Control: Resource Templates and Environment Templates

Support has been added to mark versions as 'Draft' and to 'Disable' versions of resource and environment templates.

  • Draft Versions: This feature includes a couple of benefits. It lets the platform team modify templates multiple times without having to necessarily create a new version during the testing/validation phase. When all the required changes have been implemented, the version can be marked as 'Active'. The other benefit is that Draft versions are project scoped which means that these versions are not shared with downstream projects. This ensures that only fully vetted templates that are explicitly marked as Active are available to downstream projects/users

  • Disable Versions: This helps platform teams ensure that only currently blessed versions of templates are used by downstream users to create new environments and older versions can be retired/made unavailable

Env Template

More information on this feature can be found here.

Amazon EKS

Support for additional region

Support for Canada West (Calgary) region has been added with this release.

Canada West

Azure AKS

Kubernetes v1.28

New AKS clusters can now be provisioned based on Kubernetes v1.28. Existing clusters managed by the controller can be upgraded "in-place" to Kubernetes v1.28.

AKS 1.28

Explore our blog for deeper insights on AKS v1.28 Cluster using Rafay, available here!

Google GKE

Kubernetes v1.28

New GKE clusters can now be provisioned based on Kubernetes v1.28. Existing clusters managed by the controller can be upgraded "in-place" to Kubernetes v1.28.

GKE 1.28

GKE 1.28 Node Pool

Explore our blog for deeper insights on GKE v1.28 Cluster using Rafay, available here!

Upstream Kubernetes

Retry Provisioning for Failed Nodes

This feature addresses provisioning challenges in large clusters with tens of worker nodes. If certain worker nodes encounter provisioning failures during the cluster setup (Day 0), you can trigger a retry exclusively only for those specific worker nodes.

For example, for a cluster with 20 nodes (1 Master and 19 workers), if some worker nodes face issues during the initial setup, re-triggering the process will retry solely on those worker nodes that had problems before.

Please note that this enhancement specifically targets worker node provisioning failures and does not extend to cases where Master Node Provisioning fails, especially in a High Availability (HA) setup with multiple master nodes. We hope this improvement enhances your experience with Upstream Kubernetes.

provision failed node

VMware vSphere

UI improvements

Search bar to the dropdown list has been added to the vSphere Cluster Configuration page with this release to enable a more streamlined UX.


Audit Logs

A number of improvements have been implemented around audit logs for Blueprints. Examples include:

  • Tagging a blueprint update event on a cluster appropriately
  • Capturing version details as part of a new blueprint creation event
  • Capturing addition of labels to an add-on as part of the audit event

Force Sync

A Force Sync option is now available for users to re-trigger a blueprint sync on the cluster even when a previous blueprint sync is in progress. An example scenario where this may be useful is a user identifying an incorrect configuration with the blueprint being applied and wants to apply a new blueprint without having to wait for the previous sync operation to complete.

force sync


Resource Quotas - GPU

It is possible to specify GPU Requests and Limits both at the project and namespace level with this release. This enables the Platform team to configure the same guardrails as other resources for GPUs when they are providing 'Workspace as service' or 'Namespace as a service' to downstream teams.

Resource Quotas


Unmanaged Mode

Namespace Sync capability allows syncing of pre-existing namespaces or namespaces created out-of-band to the controller. Any namespaces synced back to the controller were previously treated as "Managed namespaces" i.e. no out of band operations (e.g. delete) are allowed on those namespaces.

This release adds support for syncing namespaces in Unmanaged mode. This allows management of lifecycle of these namespaces out of band while being able to reference these namespaces for operations such as role assignment/Zero-Trust Access, add-on deployment.


Upgrading the blueprint to use a base version of 2.3+ is a pre-requisite for this feature

Namespace Sync

More information on this feature can be found here.

Zero-Trust Access

Custom RBAC Support

There are scenarios where more fine-grained access policies (than what is included with the platform's base roles) need to be configured for users. ZTKA (Zero-Trust) Custom Access enables customers to define custom RBAC definitions to control the access that users have to the clusters in their organization.

An example could be restricting users to read only access (get, list, watch verbs) for certain resources (e.g. pods, secrets) in a certain namespace.

ZTKA access

More information on this feature can be found here.

Cost Management

Chargeback Improvements

A previous release added the ability to identify common services through configuration of namespace list/labels and share the cost of common services among teams/applications when generating chargeback/showback reports through RCTL, Swagger API and Terraform Provider. This release includes the ability to do the same via UI.

Common Services

More information on this feature can be found here.


OpenCost version installed with the 2.3 base blueprint version has been updated to v1.106.3.

v2.3 Bug Fixes

Bug ID Description
RC-24688 Network policy dashboard fails to load when a namespace is in a failed state
RC-31154 Incorrect Day2 Operation Computation affecting Blueprint sync update
RC-30951 Applying EKS cluster spec with changes to cluster labels causes injection of blueprint labels into cluster config
RC-29710 Opencost reports $0 as Node Hourly Cost for AWS Clusters
RC-29448 Pre-flight check failed error during AKS upgrade is not communicated to the user
RC-22368 UI: "Select all" under placement doesn't publish namespace to non-provisioned clusters
RC-31753 Daemonset aws-node-termination-handler-v3 and rafay-prometheus-node-exporter updateStrategy maxUnavailable set to 1
RC-31983 Nil pointer error occurs when downloading the kubeconfig
RC-27381 RCTL: No error message when using "rctl convert2managed cluster eks" even when the cluster fails to convert due to errors like IRSA account check failure