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Constraints are used to notify Gatekeeper that a Constraint Template needs to be enforced. It also specifies the 'how' by passing the required parameters. Constraint spec is used to select the enforcement action (deny, warn or dryrun). By default, it is set to deny i.e. any admission requests that result in violations are denied.

Step 1: Create New Constraint

Perform the below steps to create a new constraint:

  • Login to the Controller and select Constraints under the OPA Gatekeeper. Users can view the list of existing constraints on the Constraints page
  • Click New Constraint
  • Provide a name for the new constraint and select a Constraint Template through which the constraint parameters will be applied

OPA New Constraint

All constraints are version-controlled so that the lifecycle can be properly managed. In this example, the admin has not yet configured anything. So, no versions are available as yet.


Constraints created before versioning was introduced will have Initial as the version name

OPA New Constraint

Step 2: New Version

  • Click on New Version and use the wizard to provide details
  • Provide a version number/name
  • Select an Artifact Sync. To upload the files from the system, select Upload files manually and click Choose File to upload the YAML file

OPA New Constraint

  • To use the files available from the git repository, select Pull files from repository

OPA New Constraint

Below is an example of a constraint code set to 3 minimum replicas and 50 maximum replicas. Applications that enters with less than 3 replicas and more than 50 replicas are not allowed.

kind: K8sReplicaLimits
  name: replica-limits
      - apiGroups: ["apps"]
        kinds: ["Deployment"]
    - min_replicas: 3
      max_replicas: 50
  • Click Advanced Settings (optional) to select any of the provided options. Refer Constraint Templates for more information on Advanced Settings

OPA Upload Yaml file

  • Click Save Changes to proceed or Discard Changes & Exit to abort the process

Edit / Delete Constraints

  • Click the Delete icon to delete or Edit icon to edit the existing constraints


Constraint Types

Two types of Constraints are Custom and System

  • Constraints created by customers are listed as Custom
  • Constraints created by system for reference are listed as System. Users can edit but cannot delete the System Constraints



Users with Namespace Admin role do not have access to Constraints page