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What Will You Do

In part 3, you will:

  • Deprovision the EKS cluster and all associated infrastructure in AWS


This part assumes that you have completed Part 1 of this series and have a successfully provisioned an EKS cluster.

Step 1: Deprovision Cluster

In this step, we will deprovision the EKS cluster with a Terraform command. The controller will cleanup all cluster components in your AWS account.

  • Execute the following command to begin deprovisioning the cluster.

    terraform destroy
  • Enter yes when prompted.

  • The cluster provision status will show " INFRA DELETION IN PROGRESS". Note, it can take approximately 30 minutes for the deletion to finish.

Cluster Delete

  • Once the deletion is complete, the cluster will be removed from the web console


Congratulations! At this point, you have successfully deprovisioned the EKS cluster and all associated infrastructure components in your AWS account.