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Isolated Containers

Containers operating on Kubernetes clusters share the Linux kernel (i.e. default behavior). The image below shows three containers using the same Linux kernel. For shared, multi-tenant Kubernetes clusters especially with users that the service provider cannot control, there is always the risk of container escapes.

Regular Containers

Kata containers is a secure alternative to address the issue above. Rafay's multi-tenant blueprint provides a turnkey option for Kata Containers. This is a container runtime technology designed to provide the security advantages of virtual machines (VMs) while maintaining the lightweight performance and agility of containers. The image below visually shows how Kata containers are different from regular a container runtime.

Kata Containers

Why is it needed?

Enhanced Security

  • VM-Level Isolation: Kata Containers run each container inside a lightweight virtual machine, providing strong isolation between containers. This VM-level isolation mitigates the "noisy neighbor" problem and reduces the risk of security breaches spreading from one container to another.
  • Protection from Kernel Vulnerabilities: Since each container has its own kernel instance inside the VM, Kata Containers protect against vulnerabilities in the host kernel. Even if a container is compromised, it cannot directly affect the host or other containers running on the same host.

Compliance and Multi-Tenancy

  • Security Compliance: For organizations operating in regulated industries (e.g., finance, healthcare), Kata Containers help meet strict security and compliance requirements by offering enhanced isolation. This makes them suitable for workloads that require higher levels of security.
  • Multi-Tenant Environments: Kata Containers are ideal for multi-tenant environments, such as public cloud platforms or shared Kubernetes clusters, where multiple users or applications share the same infrastructure. The strong isolation provided by VMs helps ensure that each tenant is securely isolated from others.

3. Running Untrusted or High-Risk Workloads

  • Sandboxing Applications: Kata Containers can be used to sandbox untrusted or high-risk workloads. By running these workloads in a separate virtual machine, they are isolated from the rest of the system, reducing the risk of potential security issues.
  • Securing Sensitive Data: Workloads that handle sensitive data, such as financial transactions or personal information, can benefit from the enhanced security provided by Kata Containers, as they ensure that data is isolated and protected from other processes.

Compatibility with Existing Container Ecosystems

  • Kubernetes Integration: Kata Containers are compatible with Kubernetes, meaning they can be used as a drop-in replacement for standard container runtimes. This allows organizations to leverage Kata Containers for workloads that require additional security without disrupting existing Kubernetes workflows.
  • Container Runtime Interface (CRI) Support: Kata Containers are compliant with the Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface (CRI), ensuring they can seamlessly integrate with Kubernetes and other container orchestration tools.

Lightweight Virtualization

  • Performance Efficiency: While Kata Containers provide the security benefits of VMs, they are designed to be lightweight and efficient. The overhead is minimized compared to traditional VMs, allowing Kata Containers to offer near-native container performance.
  • Fast Boot Times: Kata Containers leverage optimized virtual machine technologies that offer fast boot times, making them suitable for dynamic and high-performance environments where rapid scaling and responsiveness are critical.


  • Hybrid Workloads: Kata Containers enable organizations to run a mix of traditional containers and more isolated Kata Containers on the same infrastructure. This flexibility allows different levels of security and isolation based on the specific requirements of each workload.
  • Edge Computing: In edge computing scenarios, where security and performance are both critical, Kata Containers can provide secure and efficient container runtimes for edge devices that may have limited resources.

Resilience and Fault Tolerance

  • Fault Isolation: Because each Kata Container runs in its own VM, faults or crashes within one container are isolated and do not affect other containers or the host system. This enhances the overall resilience and fault tolerance of the infrastructure.

In summary, Kata Containers are designed to bridge the gap between the high performance of traditional containers and the strong isolation of virtual machines. They are particularly useful in scenarios where security, compliance, and isolation are paramount, such as in multi-tenant environments, for running untrusted workloads, or in regulated industries. By using Kata Containers, organizations can achieve a higher level of security without sacrificing the agility and efficiency that containers provide.