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Onboard New User

This section describes the steps that an administrator needs to follow to onboard a new user or team.

New Project

Create a new project in your Rafay Org for the new user/team. In the example below, we are creating a new project called "mlteam-alpha" for the Alpha ML Team.

New Project

Share Template with Project

In your central project, navigate to Environment Templates and find your "Ray as Service" template.

  • Click on the "Share" icon
  • Search for the name of the newly created project (i.e. mlteam-alpha in our case)
  • Share the template

Share Template

In the example above, you can see that the administrator has shared the template with "three downstream projects"

Users & RBAC

Navigate to System -> Users and select the Local or IDP User tab (depending on how you manage users). Search for the user's email address.

Search User

In the example above, we are searching for the user "" since we want to provide them with required roles for this service.

Click on the "Edit" icon, search for the user's project (i.e. mlteam-alpha in this example) and select the "Environment Template User" role.

Env Template User RBAC

Once this is completed, when the user "" logs into the Rafay Org, they will have access to the new project with a highly restrictive role. Please follow the steps as the user to understand how they can launch their "Ray as Service" tenant in a self service manner.


For individual users that are requesting this service, it is generally easier and more practical to manage RBAC for them individually. In contrast, if you are fulfilling a request for a team of users, you may be better served by assigning a role to a group and add/remove users to the group as the team evolves.