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In addition to the web based console, users can also perform operations programmatically using Open API compliant REST APIs. The Controller is designed and developed with an API First philosophy. RCTL CLI Utility, Rafay Terraform Provider and the Web Console use the REST APIs underneath the covers for all their functionality.

API Keys

In order to manage their API Keys, users have to click on "My Tools" and Select "Manage Keys"

Manage Keys

  • API keys are uniquely generated for every user
  • Users can have one or many API keys associated with their Identity
  • Users can generate new APIs keys at any time.
  • Users can also delete API keys anytime.

Access the Swagger UI

Use the following links to access the Swagger UI for the REST APIs.

Production Orgs:

Preview Orgs:


It is recommended to use v3 APIs wherever available. v3 APIs were designed to enable a more consistent experience and follows a declarative usage pattern.

Authorized users with access to an Org or Partner Operations Console can also access the Swagger UI for the REST APIs directly from the Console

  • Login to the Console
  • Click API DOCS from the controller menu bar

Opt for the necessary version, whether V3 or V2, with a preference for V3 as the recommended choice.

Link to REST APIs

You will be presented with a familiar Swagger UI for the REST APIs. Ensure you generate and use API keys before you try the APIs against your Org.

Swagger UI for REST APIs

Partner APIs

These REST APIs are meant for SaaS multi-tenant, optionally white labeled partners/customers. These APIs are primarily meant for End Customer Organization (aka Org) lifecycle management actions.

  • Create an Org
  • Sign Up a New Org
  • Get list of all Orgs
  • Get a specific Org's details
  • Delete an Org
  • Activate an Org
  • Deactivate an Org
  • Approve an Org
  • Add user to an Org
  • Generate an API key for a User in an Org

Administration APIs

These REST APIs (Get, Post, Put and Delete) can be used for performing all CRUD actions on objects in a specific Organization (Org).

  • Projects
  • Clusters
  • Blueprints
  • Addons
  • Namespaces
  • Workloads
  • Catalogs
  • Repositories
  • Agents
  • Users
  • Groups
  • Triggers
  • Pipelines
  • Cluster Override
  • Infra Provisioner
  • Cluster Templates
  • Gateway
  • Convert to Managed
  • Roles
  • Backup and Restore