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This documentation provides an overview of the template for "Rafay Managed Kubernetes Clusters on VMware vSphere". This template is designed to automate and simplify the provisioning, configuration, and management of Kubernetes clusters on VMware vSphere.

Initial Setup

The platform team is responsible for performing the initial configuration and setup of the template. The sequence diagram below outlines the high-level steps. In this process, the platform team will configure and share the template from the system catalog to the project they manage and then share the template downstream with the end user.

    participant Admin as Platform Admin
    participant Catalog as System Catalog
    participant Project as End User Project

    Admin->>Catalog: Selects MKS on vSphere Template from System Catalog
    Admin->>Project: Shares Template with Predefined Controls
    Project-->>Admin: Template Available in End User's Project

End User Flow

The end user launches a shared template, provides required input values, and deploys the cluster. Platform teams are strongly recommended to leverage Rafay's PaaS Studio to publish SKUs using their configured templates and provide a controlled and streamlined self service experience to their end users.

    participant User as End User
    participant Project as Rafay Project
    participant Infra as VMware vSphere Infra

    User->>Project: Launch Shared Template for MKS on VMware vSphere
    User->>Project: Provide Required Input Values
    note right of User: Input values include:<br>API Key,<br>Node Configuration<br>(SSH Key, Authorized Key),<br>vSphere Details<br>(Datacenter, Network, Datastore,<br>Server Address, Compute Cluster,<br>VM Template)
    User->>Project: Click "Deploy"
    Project->>Infra: Deploy Virtual Machines and Prepare Nodes<br>for Kubernetes Deployment
    Project->>Infra: Provision Rafay Managed Kubernetes Cluster<br>on the deployed nodes
    Infra-->>User: Cluster Deployment Successful

This system template allows you to configure, templatize, and provision a Rafay Managed Kubernetes Cluster (Rafay MKS) on VMware vSphere. The templates are designed to support both:

  • Day 0 operations: Initial setup
  • Day 2 operations: Ongoing management like k8s upgrades , addition of new nodes etc.

Key Capabilities

This template enables users to:

  • Deploy Virtual Machines on VMware vSphere based on the provided configuration.
  • Provision and manage the lifecycle of Rafay Managed Kubernetes Clusters on VMware vSphere Environment.
  • Configure:
    • Container Network Interface (CNI)
    • Add-ons defined in the cluster blueprint.


This system template will automatically deploy the following resources:

  • Virtual Machines on the VMware vSphere Infra based on the provided configuration.
  • Upstream Kubernetes on the deployed VM nodes.


  1. Access to VMware vSphere Infra:
    Ensure you have access to VMware vSphere with the following details:

    • Datacenter
    • Network
    • Datastore
    • Compute Cluster
    • vSphere Server Address
    • vSphere Username
    • vSphere Password
    • Private Key: Used for accessing the nodes.
    • Public Authorized Key: Used for remote SSH access to the VMs.
    • VM Template: The template to be used for creating VMs on VMware vSphere.
  2. Agent Configuration:
    An agent must be configured in the project where the template will be used.Follow these instructions to deploy an agent: Agent Deployment Guide. Existing agents can also be reused.

  3. Rafay Configuration:

    • Specify the API key of the controller for API Key input variable.

Input Variables

Name Default Value Description Value Type
Worker VM Memory 64 Amount of memory [GiB] per worker VM Text
Worker VM Prefix $($-w Prefix for worker virtual machine names Expressions
Cluster Blueprint minimal Blueprint to be added to the cluster Text
Worker VM Count 1 Number of worker VMs to create Text
Worker VM Disk Data Size 30 Additional storage device configured for the VM [GiB] Text
System Components Placement {"node_selector":{},"tolerations":[]} Placement settings for system components JSON
Worker VM CPU 8 Number of CPUs per worker VM Text
vSphere User rafay vSphere username for authentication Text
Controlplane VM Disk Data Size 30 Additional storage device configured for the Control Plane VM [GiB] Text
Auto Approve Nodes true Automatically approve nodes (Allowed: [true, false]) Text
Controlplane VM Prefix $($-cp Prefix for Control Plane virtual machine names Expressions
vSphere Compute Cluster Cluster1 vSphere compute cluster where virtual machines will be created Text
vSphere VM Template vm-agent-template Template name for creating virtual machines Text
Cluster Blueprint Version latest Blueprint version Text
vSphere Network Worker rafay Configure vSphere network in the selected data center for Worker Node VMs Text
Controlplane VM Memory 16 Amount of memory [GiB] per Control Plane VM Text
vSphere Password vSphere password for authentication Text
Controlplane VM CPU 4 Number of CPUs per Control Plane VM Text
VM Operating System Ubuntu-22.04 Operating system of the VM Text
vSphere Resource Pool ovhServers The vSphere resource pool to use for VM deployment. Set to an empty Text to use the default cluster pool. Text
vSphere Server The vCenter server IP or FQDN Text
Cluster Project $($ Name of the project Expressions
Cluster Network {"cni":{"name":"Calico","version":"3.26.1"},"pod_subnet":"","service_subnet":""} The network configuration JSON
Cloud Credentials Upstream cloud credentials Text
vSphere Network Controlplane rafay Configure vSphere network in the selected data center for Control Plane VMs Text
vSphere Datastore ssd-001870 Datastore where virtual machines will reside Text
Cluster Dedicated Controlplanes* false Enable dedicated control planes (Allowed: [true, false]) Text
Proxy Config {} Configure proxy if your infrastructure uses an outbound proxy JSON
Cluster Kubernetes Version v1.30.4 Version of Kubernetes (Allowed: [v1.28.13, v1.29.8, v1.30.4, v1.31.0]) Text
Worker VM OS Disk Size 50 Primary storage device for the Worker VM [GiB] Text
Cluster HA false Enable high availability (Allowed: [true, false]) Text
vSphere Worker Folder $($-worker vSphere folder where Worker VMs will be organized Expressions
Kubernetes Upgrade {"params":{"worker_concurrency":"50%"},"strategy":"sequential"} Kubernetes upgrade strategy and parameters JSON
Controlplane VM Disk OS Size 50 Primary storage device for the Control Plane VM [GiB] Text
vSphere Controlplane Folder $($-controlplane vSphere folder where the Control Plane VMs will be organized Text
VM Username ubuntu VM username for authentication Text
vSphere Storage Policy The vSphere storage policy. Set to an empty Text if not using a storage policy Text
Cluster Labels {"env":"dev","release":"stable"} Labels for the cluster JSON
vSphere Datacenter pcc-147-135-35-53_datacenter1145 vSphere data center to deploy virtual machines Text
Controlplane VM Count 1 Number of Control Plane VMs to create Text
Cluster Location sanjose-us Location of the cluster Text
Cluster Name $($ Name of the cluster Expressions
API Key Enter the API key of the controller Text
Rest Endpoint Select the endpoint of the controller Text
private-key SSH private key for virtual machine access Text
authorized-key Public key to configure remote SSH access to the nodes Text

Launch Time

The estimated time to launch a Rafay MKS cluster using this approach is approximately 15 to 20 minutes.