Jupyter Notebook
Now, we are ready to launch a Jupyter Notebook in our compute instance.
Jupyter Notebook is widely used because it provides an interactive environment where data scientists can easily combine code, text, visualizations, and other media within a single document, making it ideal for data exploration, prototyping, analysis, and presenting findings in a clear and organized way, especially in data science and machine learning projects.
Create Jupyter Notebook¶
In the Notebooks menu, click on New Notebook. The user will be presented with the SKU for Jupyter Notebook that was published by the PaaS Admin in the prior step.
Now, click on Select. This will now require the user to enter the following details:
- Provide a unique name for the notebook
- Select the compute instance where this will be deployed (from the above step)
- Select the workspace where you would like to deploy this instance (e.g. qa)
- Select the profile for the notebook from the available list (minimal, data science etc)
- Click on Deploy
In a few minutes, the notebook will be deployed to the selected compute instance. The notebook will be pre-configured with all the required libraries and frameworks as per the selected profile. In our case, we selected the "minimal" profile.
Access Jupyter Notebook¶
Once the notebook is deployed, click on the notebook to access the following information
- URL for Jupyter Notebook
- Access token
Click on the provided URL to access the notebook using your web browser. You will be asked to authenticate. Copy/Paste the access token and submit to access and use the Jupyter notebook.
Once authenticated, the user will have secure access to the Jupyter notebook in their web browser.