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This step assumes that you have already completed the two prior steps. You are now ready to deploy the environment.


Rafay Environment Manager will automatically create the infrastructure resources and deploy the applications.

  • Navigate to Environments -> Environments
  • Click Launch on the kubeflow-mlops card


  • Enter a name for the environment
  • Customize any of the default variable values if needed
  • Update the following variable values

If you are looking to deploy GPU nodes on day 1

  • Click Show optional parameters
  • Click Add Optional Parameter
  • Select gpu_nodepools
  • Enter one or more node pools into the variable value

Below is an example with multiple node pools:

  name = "gpu-nodepool1"
  size = 1
  machine_config = {
    boot_disk_size = 100
    boot_disk_type = "pd-standard"
    machine_type   = "n1-standard-4"
  gpu_config = {
    type           = "nvidia-tesla-t4"
    count          = 1
    driver_version = "LATEST"
  name = "gpu-nodepool2"
  size = 2
  machine_config = {
    boot_disk_size = 100
    boot_disk_type = "pd-standard"
    machine_type   = "n1-standard-4"
  gpu_config = {
    type           = "nvidia-tesla-t4"
    count          = 1
    driver_version = "LATEST"
  • Click Save & Deploy


The environment will begin to deploy.


This step can take ~40 minutes to complete. It can take ~25 minutes for the infrastructure to be provisioned and ~15 minutes for the application layer to be deployed.

Once complete, you will see the IP address of the loadbalancer and the URL for the MLOps instance in the Results section of the page


You can also view the environment configuration in your Git repository.

In your repository, navigate to rafay-resources/projects//environments/.yaml


Create DNS Record

At this point, although all the infrastructure and the MLOps platform is deployed and operation, it is not accessible yet via a user friendly domain.

In this step, you will update your DNS records with the IP address and the hostname of your MLOps instance provided in the environment output in the previous step. Once your DNS records are updated, you can now access your MLOps Platform on the user friendly URL.

Access MLOps Platform

You can now access the MLOps interface via a web browser by entering the URL provided in the output of the prior step. You can login using your OKTA credentials or the local username and password provided during deployment.

