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Cluster-Wide Network Policy rules


Cluster-Wide Network Policy Rules is a construct that defines a grouping of network security rules that can then be applied to a cluster-wide policy.


Only Org Admins and Infra Admins can create/manage cluster-wide network policy rules.

How To Write Cluster-Wide Network Policy Rules

The following types of CRDs are supported for cluster-wide network policy rules:

  • CiliumClusterWideNetworkPolicy: This CRD is best when applying rules that are agnostic of namespace or pod and need to be applied across the entire cluster. They make use of a node selector meaning that traffic flows can be controlled between different nodes in your cluster.

Example: Allow ingress from all pods to core-dns pods

kind: CiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy
  name: core-dns-ingress
      io.cilium.k8s.policy.serviceaccount: coredns
      k8s:io.kubernetes.pod.namespace: kube-system
  - fromEndpoints:
    - {}
    - ports:
      - port: "53"
        protocol: UDP
  • CiliumNetworkPolicy: This CRD is best when applying rules that need to take namespaces and pods into account. This can be used when enforcing multi-tenancy via namespace isolation for example via labels. Specific endpoints can also be selected.

Example: For endpoints whose env is prod, only allow incoming traffic (ingress) if the source also has label tenant1.

apiVersion: ""
kind: CiliumNetworkPolicy
  name: "l3-rule"
  - description: "For endpoints with env=prod, allow if source also has label role=tenant1"
        env: prod
    - fromEndpoints:
      - matchLabels:
          role: tenant1

Creating a Cluster-Wide Network Policy Rules

Rules can be created by either uploading a YAML file with the CRD definition or by pulling the YAML file from Git.

  • Login to the controller and select Rules under Network Policy
  • Click the Cluster tab and click New Rule
  • Provide a name for the rule, Click Create
  • Provide a version name
  • If uploading the file directly, click choose file and upload the file
  • If using Git, select Pull file from repository and select the appropriate Git repository, revision number, and path to the YAML file in the git repo
  • Click Save changes

Rules can be added to a cluster-wide policy by following the instructions in cluster-wide policy

Create Network Policy Rule

Updating a Cluster-Wide Network Policy Rules

  • Login to the controller and select Rules under Network Policy
  • Go the Cluster tab and find or search for the name of the rule you want to update
  • Click the edit button to the right of the name of the rule and click New version
  • Provide a version name
  • If uploading the file directly, click choose file and upload the file
  • If using Git, select Pull file from repository and select the appropriate Git repository, revision number, and path to the YAML file in the git repo
  • Click Save changes

Rules can be added to a cluster-wide policy by following the instructions in cluster-wide policy

Update Network Policy Rule

Deleting a Cluster-Wide Network Policy Rules

  • Login to the controller and select Rules under Network Policy
  • Go the Cluster tab and find or search for the name of the rule you want to update
  • Click the delete button to the right of the name of the rule