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Mirantis to Rafay Migration

What is it?

  • Mirantis to Rafay migration is like upgrading from an old, high-maintenance car to a modern, efficient vehicle. It helps you transition to a more reliable and scalable Kubernetes management platform, reducing the manual work and resources needed for day-to-day operations.


What are the Issues?

  • Technical and product support from Mirantis has been lacking, and organizations need a reliable technology partner for scaling Kubernetes operations.
  • Manual day-2 operations require significant manpower and resources, complicating lifecycle management.

Why is it a problem?

  • Manual processes are time-consuming and prone to errors, increasing the risk of operational disruptions and security vulnerabilities.
  • The lack of automation in lifecycle management increases operational costs and reduces scalability.
  • Inconsistent configurations across clusters complicate compliance efforts and hinder operational efficiency.

Proposed Implementation Framework

1. Implement Automated Discovery and Assessment

  • Develop tools for automated discovery and inventory of existing Kubernetes resources, configurations, and workloads in the Mirantis environment.
  • Create assessment mechanisms to identify compatibility issues, dependencies, and potential optimization opportunities for the new platform.
  • Implement automated analysis of resource utilization and performance metrics to guide rightsizing during migration.
  • Develop a comprehensive reporting system to provide insights into migration readiness and potential challenges.

2. Establish a Standardized Migration Pipeline

  • Create a repeatable, automated migration workflow that can be applied consistently across different clusters and workloads.
  • Develop tools for automated translation of Mirantis-specific configurations to the new platform's equivalents where necessary.
  • Implement version control and change management processes for all migration-related configurations and scripts.
  • Create staging environments that mirror production for testing migrations before final cutover.

3. Implement Seamless Data and Workload Migration

  • Develop automated processes for migrating stateful applications, including databases and persistent volumes.
  • Implement data synchronization mechanisms to keep Mirantis and the new platform environments in sync during phased migrations.
  • Create automated validation and integrity checks for migrated workloads and data.
  • Develop rollback procedures and recovery mechanisms in case of migration failures.

4. Enable Advanced Lifecycle Management and Automation

  • Implement automated day-2 operations, including upgrades, scaling, and health management on the new platform.
  • Develop custom operators or controllers to handle complex application lifecycles and stateful workloads.
  • Create a centralized policy management system to enforce consistent security and compliance rules across all migrated clusters.
  • Implement advanced monitoring and observability solutions to provide better visibility and control over the migrated environment.