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Backup and Restore CLI

Included in the Kubernetes Operation Platform is a fully integrated cluster backup and restore capability. Administrators can configure backups for their clusters and workloads.

With this capability, administrators can:

  • Quickly recover clusters from disasters, like hardware failures.
  • Migrate clusters from one environment to another, like on-prem to cloud.
  • Recover data for specific workload namespaces to the last known, good configuration in case of data corruption.

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RCTL for Data Agents

Users can also create/update/delete/deploy/un-deploy a data agent through RCTL to their clusters with the below commands

Create Data Agents of Version v1.9.3

 ./rctl create dp-agent <name> --cloud-credentials <cloudcredentials>

Create Data Agents (Enabling Volume Backups for On-prem Clusters) of Version v1.9.3

./rctl create dp-agent <name> --cloud-credentials <cloud-credentials> --enable-onprem

Create Data Agents (Enabling Volume Backups for On-prem Clusters) of Version v1.15.1

./rctl create dp-agent <name> --cloud-credentials <cloudcredentials> --version <version> --customer-key <sse-c customer key> --enable-onprem --optional-features <comma separated list>

Delete Data Agents

./rctl delete dp-agent <name>

Fetch Data Agents

./rctl get dp-agent

An illustrative example is shown below where RCTL retrieves the list of agents

| NAME         | Version | CLOUD CREDENTIALS | CLUSTERS | CREATED AT                   |
| demo-agent1  | v1.9.3  | cred-AWS          | 1        | Tue Sep 14 06:42:10 UTC 2021 |
| demo-dpagent | v1.15.1 | demo-creds        | 1        | Fri Sep 17 09:23:22 UTC 2021 |

Use the below command to retrieve a specific agent's details

./rctl get dp-location <agent-name>

Update Data Agents

./rctl update dp-agent <name> --cloud-credentials <cloudcredentials>

Update Data Agents (If Volume Backups for On-prem Clusters is enabled)

./rctl update dp-agent <name> --cloud-credentials <cloud-credentials> --enable-onprem

Deploy Data Agents

./rctl deploy dp-agent <agent-name> --cluster-name <cluster-name>

Un-deploy Data Agents

./rctl undeploy dp-agent <agent-name> --cluster-name <clustername>


Agent deletion is not supported

RCTL for Backup Location

Amazon S3 Storage/S3 Compatible Storage

Users can also define a location to store the backup snapshots through RCTL with the below commands

Create Control Plane Backup Location of Version 1.9.3 with Amazon Target Type

 ./rctl create dp-location <name> --backup-type <controlplanebackup> --target-type <amazon> --region <region> --bucket-name <bucketname>

Create Control Plane Backup Location of Version 1.9.3 with S3 Compatible Endpoint Target Type

./rctl create dp-location <name> --backup-type <controlplanebackup> --target-type <s3compatible> --url <url> --bucket-name <bucketname>

Create Control Plane Backup Location of Version 1.15.1 with Amazon Target Type

 ./rctl create dp-location <name> --backup-type <controlplanebackup> --target-type <amazon> --region <region> --bucket-name <bucketname> --skip-tls-verify  --enable-sse-c --kms-key-id <KMS key ID> --encryption-type <server-side encryption algorithm>

Create Control Plane Backup Location of Version 1.15.1 with S3 Compatible Endpoint Target Type

./rctl create dp-location <name> --backup-type <controlplanebackup> --target-type <s3compatible> --region <region> --bucket-name <bucketname> --skip-tls-verify  --enable-sse-c --kms-key-id <KMS key ID> --encryption-type <server-side encryption algorithm>

Create Volume Backup Location with Amazon Target Type

./rctl create dp-location <name> --backup-type <volumebackup> --target-type <amazon> --region <region> --bucket-name <bucketname>

Create Volume Backup Location with S3 Compatible Endpoint Target Type

./rctl create dp-location <name> --backup-type <volumebackup> --target-type <s3compatible> --url <url> --bucket-name <bucketname>

Update Location objects with Amazon Target Type

./rctl update dp-location <name> --backup-type <backup-type> --target-type <amazon> --region <region> --bucket-name <bucketname>

Update Location objects with S3 Compatible Endpoint Target Type

./rctl update dp-location <name> --backup-type <backup-type> --target-type <s3compatible> --url <url> --bucket-name <bucketname>

Azure Storage Account

For AKS clusters, users can define a location to store the backup snapshots through RCTL with the below commands

Create Control Plane Backup Location with Azure Target Type

./rctl create dp-location <name> --backup-type <controlplanebackup> --target-type <azure> --bucket-name <bucketname> --resource-group <resource-group> --storage-account <storage-account>

Create Volume Backup Location with Azure Target Type

./rctl create dp-location <name> --backup-type <volumebackup> --target-type <azure> --resource-group <resource-group>

Update Control Plane Backup Location with Azure Target Type

./rctl update dp-location <name> --backup-type <controlplanebackup> --target-type <azure> --bucket-name <bucketname> --resource-group <resource-group> --storage-account <storage-account>

Update Volume Backup Location with Azure Target Type

./rctl update dp-location <name> --backup-type <volumebackup> --target-type <azure> --resource-group <resource-group>

Fetch / Delete Location

Delete Location

./rctl delete dp-location <name>

Fetch Location objects

./rctl get dp-location

An illustrative example is shown below where RCTL retrieves the list of location objects

| NAME              | TYPE                 | CREATED AT                   |
| demo-cpb          | Control Plane Backup | Fri Sep 17 09:26:19 UTC 2021 |
| demo-controlplane | Control Plane Backup | Fri Sep 17 09:25:53 UTC 2021 |
| demo-volume       | Volume Backup        | Fri Sep 17 09:26:06 UTC 2021 |

Use the below command to retrieve a specific location's details

./rctl get dp-location <location-name>


Credentials are required to access the backup location and perform backup/restore operations. Refer to the below table for more details on each provider credentials.

Note: Credentials are created in the provider's console.

S. No Provider Reference
1 AWS AWS S3 Credentials
2 MINIO S3 Compatible Credentials
3 AZURE Azure Credentials

RCTL for Backup Policy

Administrators can also create a backup policy through RCTL using the below commands to specify how, when and what needs to be backed up

Create Backup Policy

.rctl create dp-policy <name> --type <backup> --location <location> --snapshot-location <snapshot-location> --retention-period <period> --include-namespace <include-ns> --exclude-namespace <exclude-ns> --label-selector <key:value,key:"",key:value>

Delete Policy

.rctl delete dp-policy <name>

Fetch Policy

.rctl get dp-policy

An illustrative example is shown below where RCTL retrieves the list of policies

| NAME         | TYPE    | CREATED AT                   |
| demo-backup  | Backup  | Fri Sep 17 09:26:45 UTC 2021 |
| demo-restore | Restore | Fri Sep 17 09:27:08 UTC 2021 |
| demo-bp      | Backup  | Fri Sep 17 09:27:19 UTC 2021 |

Use the below command to retrieve a specific policy details

.rctl get dp-policy <policy-name>

Update Backup Policy

.rctl update dp-policy <name> --type <backup> --location <location> --snapshot-location <snapshot-location> --retention-period <period> --include-namespace <include-ns> --exclude-namespace <exclude-ns> --label-selector <key:value,key:"",key:value>

RCTL for Backup Job

Users can also create or schedule backup jobs through RCTL for the clusters

Create Backup Jobs

./rctl create dp-job --policy <policy> --cluster <clustername>

Schedule Backup Jobs

./rctl create dp-job --policy <policy> --cluster <clustername> --schedule <'*/5****'>

Fetch Backup Jobs

./rctl get dp-job

An illustrative example is shown below where RCTL retrieves the list of jobs

| NAME                                    | TYPE    | CLUSTER  | STATUS    | STARTED AT                   | COMPLETED AT                 |
| demo-restore-1pm95i35-4qkolkn-rx28oml   | Restore | rctl1bp1 | Completed | Fri Sep 17 09:35:06 UTC 2021 | Fri Sep 17 09:35:36 UTC 2021 |
| demo-backup-m84n5d56-4qkolkn-rctlbp2    | Backup  | rctl1bp1 | Completed | Fri Sep 17 09:34:13 UTC 2021 | Fri Sep 17 09:34:13 UTC 2021 |
| demo-backup-m84n5d56-4qkolkn-rctlbp2    | Backup  | rctlbp2  | Completed | Fri Sep 17 09:33:13 UTC 2021 | Fri Sep 17 09:33:16 UTC 2021 |


Job deletion is not supported

RCTL for Restore Policy

Administrators can also create a restore policy through RCTL using the below commands to specify the rules a restore job has to comply with when it performs a restore operation

Create Restore Policy

./rctl create dp-policy <name> --type <restore> --restore-pvs --include-namespace <include-ns> --exclude-namespace <exclude-ns> --label-selector <key:value,key:"",key:value>

Fetch Policy

./rctl get dp-policy <name>

Update Restore Policy

./rctl update dp-policy <name> --type <restore> --restore-pvs --include-namespace <include-ns> --exclude-namespace <exclude-ns> --label-selector <key:value,key:"",key:value>

Delete Policy

./rctl delete dp-policy <name>

RCTL for Restore Job

Users can also restore job through RCTL with the below commands

Restore Jobs

./rctl create dp-job --policy <policy> --cluster <cluster-name> --source-cluster <source-cluster> --restore-from-backup <backup> --restoreType <DisasterRecovery, Cloning>

Get Restore Jobs

./rctl get dp-job