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Comprehensive automation can be quickly developed by using the RCTL Command Line Interface (RCTL) utility. RCTL enables users to script and automate reproducible workflows without having to interact with the Controller via the Web Console or the APIs or the Terraform provider.

Explore our blog for deeper insights on Declarative Cluster Lifecycle Management, available here!


The RCTL CLI can be embedded into your preferred "workflow automation platform" and be used to perform operations on ALL resources managed by the Controller.

Working Examples

RCTL can be embedded into any kind of workflow automation or CI platform such as Jenkins, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, GitLab etc. Review the CI Integrations Section for additional details and examples on how to embed RCTL into your preferred CI platform.


Working examples of integrations are available on a public Github repository.

Platform Support

RCTL is supported on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.

Windows Linux macOS
64-bit 64-bit 64-bit


Users can use the same macOS binary on ARM based Macs by enabling Rosetta 2.

Download RCTL


The Web console provides several conveniences for end users (developers etc) by making it intuitive for them to download the RCTL binaries.

  • On the left panel of the admin console, click on "My Tools".
  • Click on the "Download CLI" button and download the package for your operating system
  • Unzip the downloaded package into a folder (for example: “rctl”).

Tools Page

Download CLI


Workflow automation systems and pipelines can embed the "download URLs" for RCTL binaries. Note that this download URL will always provide the "latest version" of the RCTL CLI.

OS RCTL Download URL


Use the following steps to check the version of RCTL. Users are encouraged to upgrade to the latest versions on a periodic basis (esp. with every release) to ensure they can leverage the latest functionality.

  • Open Terminal (on macOS or Linux) or Command Prompt (on Windows).
  • Navigate (i.e. change directory) to the folder where RCTL was unzipped.
  • Type the following command.
./rctl version

VERSION: r1.21.0
BUILD: refs/tags/r1.21.0-43
BUILD-TIME: Fri 09 Dec 2022 11:02:14 AM UTC
ARCH: darwin/amd64

Embedded Help

RCTL can provide contextual help when requested.

./rctl --help

You should see output similar to the example shown below.

A CLI tool to manage resources.

  rctl [command]

Available Commands:
  activate        activate pipelines
  apply           apply for creating or updating resources in Rafay Console
  completion      Generate completion script
  config          Manage configuration of the CLI utility
  convert2managed Convert various resources to managed.
  create          Create various resources in Console
  deactivate      deactivate pipelines
  delete          Delete various resources in Console
  deploy          deploy various resources in Console
  download        Download various resources in Console
  drain           Create various resources in Console
  generate        Generate various resources in Console
  get             get various resources in Console
  help            Help about any command
  kubeconfig      Generate kubeconfig
  publish         Publish workloads
  scale           Scale various resources in Console
  set             Set various resources in Console
  share           Share various resources in Console
  start           start pipelines
  status          Find out the status of resources like workloads
  stop            stop pipelines
  uncordon        Create various resources in Console
  undeploy        Undeploy
  unpublish       Unpublish resources like workloads
  update          update the details of various resource
  upgrade         Upgrade various resources in Console
  validate        Validate resources like workloads
  version         Displays version of the CLI utility
  workload        Manage workloads

  -c, --config string    Customize cli config file
  -d, --debug            Enable debug logs
  -h, --help             help for rctl
  -o, --output string    Print json, yaml or table output. Default is table (default "table")
  -p, --project string   provide a specific project context
  -v, --verbose          Verbose mode. A lot more information output.
      --wait             Wait for the operation to complete

Use "rctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Usage Modes

The RCTL CLI can be used in both Interactive and Scripted modes.

Interactive Mode

This is the default mode and is primarily meant for human users that wish to view the results in a human-readable format.

Scripted Mode

This mode is useful when RCTL is embedded into a workflow such as an automation pipeline. The generated output will ideally be in a JSON or YAML format that can be consumed programmatically by the automation platform.

Exit Codes

The RCTL CLI returns an exit code (aka return code) for every command. The standard exit code is "0" for SUCCESS. Any other number for an exit code should be considered an ERROR.

To get the exit code, type "echo $?" at the command prompt after the command completes. Customers can use these exit codes to check for status of a CLI command when it is embedded into a workflow/pipeline.


./rctl version
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
  echo "The command ran OK"
  exit 0
  echo "The command failed"
  exit 1


RCTL can be configured to print detailed information via "verbose mode" to assist with troubleshooting. During a support call, support may request you to use the "debug" mode to assist with debugging.

Verbose Mode

For example, to enable "verbose" mode while retrieving the list of workloads

./rctl get workload --verbose

Debug Mode

For example, to enable "debug" mode while retrieving the list of workloads

./rctl get workload --debug

Auto Completion

RCTL can generate auto completion scripts for your target platform and shell.

./rctl completion -h

On Linux or macOS, you can use the following command to identify the current shell. In the example below, the current shell is "bash".

echo $SHELL