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KOP EKSA - Gateway

To facilitate the installation of Kubernetes cluster into private data centers without a direct incoming connection from the management console, a gateway is necessary. Users can create the gateway via the controller


Assure to have one machine in the datacenter where you install the gateway agent. Assume the machine is created in the Equinix

Once the machine is created, perform the below steps to create a gateway in the controller

Step 1: Create Gateway

  • Click Gateway on the left panel under the Infrastructure. Gateway page appears
  • Click New Gateway
  • Provide a name and description
  • Select Gateway Type EKSA Bare metal and click Create

Create AKS Cluster

Once created, you can view the gateway listed as shown below.

Create AKS Cluster

  • Click View Details to copy the setup command. You may also download the file and run the setup command on the machine to install the gateway agent

Create AKS Cluster

Step 2: Deploy Gateway in machine

Note down the filename of the private SSH key file and the machine IP. Perform the below steps to install the gateway in that machine.

  • Run the below command in your terminal
ssh -i <machineidentity_file_name> <username>@<machineip>
  • Once the SSH is done, copy/paste the Gateway Setup Command as mentioned in Step1. This will install the agent on the machine
  • Run the below command to view the status of the agent

systemctl status infraagent.service

You can see the status as Active which indicates the agent is running on the machine.

To view the infra agent log details, run the below command and it shows all the connectivity information.

/var/log# tail -f infra_agent.log

Check Health

Once the Gateway is created, you can check the Gateway health as shown below in the controller

Create AKS Cluster

You can delete the Gateway using the delete icon.


Sharing is not supported in the current release